"Bah bang bang!"

"It's true that she's the Seventh Sister, she just has better methods than us!"

"Yes, yes, the seventh sister is the best."

"Seventh sister is so smart, so cunning and shameless... Bah, bah, bah, the seventh sister can actually come up with such a seamless and perfect plan!"

"We will definitely cooperate with Seventh Sister."

"Yes, we swear."

Leng Su: "..."

In the city center, there is a pedestrian street where people come and go.

A beggar in rags and dirty clothes was sitting on the street corner with a broken bowl in front of him.

In a private room on the second floor of the restaurant opposite the beggar.

A good-looking group of six men and one woman were standing at the window, looking eagerly through the glass at the inconspicuous beggar on the first floor opposite.

"Sister, you actually like beggars?"

"Yes, sister, why do you fall in love with a beggar?"

"Yes, sister, you face a group of rich and handsome people like us every day, and you actually fall in love with a beggar?"

Leng Su: "..." A beggar who goes to peat.

Seeing Leng Su's expression turned ugly, the others quickly shut up and changed the topic.

"However, Seventh Sister, since you are interested in a beggar, it will be easier to handle."

Hearing this, Leng Su raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

"Beggars, don't tell me you don't have money, you don't have anything to eat, drink or wear..."

"Of course, the most important thing is that even if the beggar disappears, no one will notice him."

"That's right. In that case, sister, why would you use those laborious methods? Why don't you just kidnap the person back to sleep?"

Leng Su: "..."

Looking at the excited handsome faces, Leng Su only felt his hands itching and wanted to punch them all to death.

"It's a joke, am I that kind of person to you Seventh Sister?"

"Yes!" the six men said in unison.

Leng Su: "..." Let's break up the relationship, there is no love anymore.

"Okay, stop being so naughty and hurry up and follow the plan."


"Seventh sister, are you really going to force me on her without giving it any thought?" someone said unwillingly.

Hearing this, Leng Su flew over with a knife and let him experience it on his own.

The six teenagers collectively trembled. This time they finally stopped talking nonsense, turned around and ran away.

At the end of the day of begging, Su Zexi, holding a broken bowl in hand, used the money she had collected today to buy a bunch of food and came to the shelter of stray cats and dogs.

In a corner that was usually deserted, today there were actually several beautiful girls in white dresses gathered together.

They may have long hair, or they may be cute and cute, but what remains the same is that they all feed stray cats and dogs with a gentle look on their faces.

Su Zexi: "..."

He subconsciously looked up at the sky... It wasn't snowing, and the sun wasn't rising in the west.

Why do so many kind-hearted girls suddenly appear?

Still... still all look very similar to the Mu Wanru he met these days.

It's not just the appearance, it's the dressing style, the temperament, and the gentle smile.

Each one of them looks as if they were carved from the same mold.

While Su Zexi was wondering, those girls had discovered his whereabouts.

Seeing his desolate appearance, the girls showed disdain on their faces...ah, they looked distressed.

"Is this your place? Are we disturbing you?" A girl said guiltily.

"You haven't eaten yet. I have some snacks I just bought for you to eat." A girl looked at him distressedly and handed over the big bag of snacks with a gentle look.

"Are you holding food for cats and dogs? Could it be..."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [ゞo二槑] [Hmm~ah~ don’t~ stop~] [Xiao Xu] [I heard that I dote on Cai Xukun] [Don’t be cowardly] six little fairies for their reward support, okay? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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