Suddenly there were two rows of soldiers in military uniforms at the door of the previously empty villa...

At the entrance, there was a row of more than a dozen top limited edition luxury cars parked.

Bugatti Veyron, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Bentley, Rolls-Royce and more...

Seeing these cars, Su Zexi couldn't help but doubt life.

He subconsciously took a few steps back, raised his head, looked up and down, and looked left and right at the villa in front of him.

That's right, this is his home.

Su Zexi looked through his memories from childhood to adulthood and was convinced again that their Su family did not have such awesome relatives.

Thanks to his efforts, although the Su family is the richest man in Jiangcheng, they can afford to live in a villa and buy luxury cars.

However, limited edition luxury cars like this that even the rich can't buy have absolutely nothing to do with the Su family.

In addition, the Su family is just an ordinary businessman, how can it be related to the army...



These two words made the doubts on Su Zexi's face suddenly fade away, and his expression became extremely solemn.

He stopped thinking about this and strode into the villa.

The soldiers guarding both sides of the iron gate didn't know if they had been greeted or what, but they didn't stop him when they saw him entering.

In a European style living room.

His worried parents were chatting happily with a delicate-looking and beautiful girl.

"Susu, you must remember to come and visit your aunt more often when you have time in the future."

"As long as my uncle and aunt don't dislike it, I will definitely come every day in the future."

"Yes, that's right. As long as you, uncle and aunt, don't dislike her, we will bring Seventh Sister here every day."

The sudden male voice made Su Zexi's attention shift away from Leng Su and fall on the six young men with the same exquisite and outstanding looks.

"Come on, come on, you all come together." Mother Su's smile grew stronger.

Looking at the few people chatting happily, Su Zexi's heart was full of doubts, but her face was calm and unrevealing.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back." Su Zexi suddenly spoke out, interrupting several people who were chatting happily in the living room.

"You still know how to come back?"

As soon as she saw Su Zexi, the smile on Su's mother's face suddenly disappeared. She couldn't hold it back for a moment, and she even forgot that outsiders like Leng Su were still there and asked questions on the spot.

"Mom, I wonder who these are?"

Su's mother complained about him, and Su Zexi understood.

He didn't take Mother Su's words to heart, nor did he feel embarrassed because of Mother Su's outbursts regardless of the occasion.

Although he was not enthusiastic towards Leng Su and others, he was not rude either.


"You must be Aunt Su's son Su Zexi. Hello, I'm Leng Su, your new neighbor next door."

Leng Su took the initiative to stand up, stretched out his hand, and introduced himself.

Hearing this, Su Zexi did not doubt his presence, stretched out her hand, touched Leng Su's hand politely, and quickly retracted it.

"Welcome." Su Zexi said calmly.

It is true that Su Zexi is very guarded, but he is not narcissistic or conceited.

Although the Su family is the richest man in Jiangcheng, it is nothing in the country.

Leng Su's group of people, whether it's how they dress or talk, the limited edition luxury cars outside, or the soldiers, are enough to prove their extraordinary status.

The little Su family is probably worthless in the eyes of these people.

He didn't think that there was anything in him, including the entire Su family, that the other party could have any intentions for.

Su Zexi had just had this idea flash through her mind, and before her enthusiasm had subsided, she was slapped in the face by the group of teenagers in front of her...

"Hello, brother-in-law!" the six handsome young men said in unison.

"Brother-in-law, I am the boss Bai Yan, just call me Xiao Bai."

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