

How did she know what he had been doing these days?

Facing Su Zexi's probing gaze, Leng Su was very calm, neither hiding nor dodging, and took it indifferently.

With Leng Su looking back at her so directly, and seeing the undisguised affection in her eyes, Su Zexi's eyes flashed slightly, and a strange and strange emotion came over her.

Could it be that she had always been pleased with him?

Have you been looking for him?

Is that why you know his whereabouts and actions?

"Beggary? What beggar?" Mother Su grasped the key point of Leng Su's words.

"Mom, I'll explain this to you later." Su Zexi responded to Su's mother first.

Mother Su glanced at him meaningfully, and because there were outsiders around, she saved some face for him and did not continue to ask further questions.

After comforting Su's mother, Su Zexi's eyes returned to Leng Su again.

"I wonder which class of University A the junior girl is in? Which class?"

"Why don't I remember that I did such a heroic thing to save a beauty?" Su Zexi asked.

"I am in the 101st key class, one class younger than you, senior."

"As for senior not remembering me, it's normal. I wasn't good at dressing up at that time, and senior, you helped a lot of people, so naturally you don't remember me."

an elite class……

No wonder he wasn't impressed by her.

When he was in college, he met his first girlfriend and was trapped in the whirlpool of love, unable to extricate himself. He had long forgotten about his studies and other things.

As for the top students in the key classes, all of them wished they could eat, drink, and poop directly in the classroom.

I rarely leave the classroom on weekdays, so how can I have any interaction with him, let alone make any impression on him.

I have helped many people...

Leng Su's words reminded Su Zexi of some not-so-good memories.

His encounter with that woman was because of his help.

When he was in college, he was sunny, cheerful, a gentleman, and his family was well off.

Until later, overnight, his girlfriend and brother teamed up to betray him, and the entire Su family went bankrupt because of him.

Seeing Su Zexi's gloomy expression, Leng Su thought for a moment and turned to look at the teenagers on the side.

After receiving the instructions, the teenagers quickly stood up, took out their mobile phones, opened the photo album, and handed it to Su Zexi.

"Brother-in-law, look, this is what the seventh sister looked like before."

"Hahaha, brother-in-law, look, the seventh sister used to be really vulgar and ugly."

"Yes, Seventh Sister used to be a feared presence in our compound. She was not good-looking, but had a hot temper. She would hit people if she disagreed with her."

Leng Su: "..." Are these two people impatient?

"Brother-in-law, let me tell you, if you marry the seventh sister in the future, I guarantee that no one will dare to bully you again."

"That's right, as long as the seventh sister is protecting you, brother-in-law, you can walk sideways even in our compound."

"Yes, our seventh sister is an invincible presence throughout the compound."

"Seventh sister is the most famous 'strong woman' in the army!"

"Hehehehe, brother-in-law, you look so weak. If you are with the seventh sister in the future, the two of you will definitely have the seventh sister on top, and brother-in-law, you will be on the bottom..."

While talking, some people got a little carried away.

They began to continuously reveal Leng Su’s various glorious deeds.

Leng Su: "..." MMP, if you have the ability, continue to hack and hack as hard as you can. If I don't kill you when I get back, I'll lose! ! !

After hearing the teenagers' revelations, Su Zexi subconsciously raised her eyes and looked at Leng Su who was gnashing his teeth on the sofa...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [158***03] [Su Su Na] [March Sakura] for the rewards and support from the four little fairies, okay~(^з^)-

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