"Bad reputation?"

"Yes, Mu Wanru is a famous socialite in our school."

"It is said that her family is ordinary, but different luxury cars often come to our school to pick her up, sometimes BMW and Mercedes-Benz, sometimes Ferrari and Bentley."

"Moreover, Mu Wanru rarely goes to school, and often goes out in fancy clothes."

"However, in recent times, Mu Wanru suddenly seems to have changed into a different person."

"I don't know if she has come to her senses, or if those sponsors don't want her anymore, but her dressing style has changed drastically recently, and she has stopped skipping classes."

"She has also suddenly become very generous and kind to her friends and classmates at school."

Click on another small video, and everyone in the video says the same thing.

Su Zexi is not stupid...

Although he doesn't know how Mu Wanru knew that he pretended to be a beggar, through these photos and videos, he knows that Mu Wanru approached him for another purpose.

The woman in the photo has changed a lot...

Just like what the students in the video said, Mu Wanru used to like wearing miniskirts or various colorful lace skirts.

Recently, Mu Wanru's style has suddenly changed. She likes to wear white skirts, white T-shirts and shorts.

Before, Mu Wanru's hairstyle was big waves with big red lips.

Recently, Mu Wanru's hairstyle is long black straight hair with nude makeup and pink grapefruit lipstick.

What is Mu Wanru's purpose?

Who sent her?

Just when Su Zexi was thinking, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

It was a strange text message...

[I arranged those girls. ——Leng Su]

Su Zexi: "..."

She is really honest.

She told him everything she did, without hiding anything.

Isn't she afraid that he will be angry? Unhappy?

Thinking of this, Su Zexi edited it subconsciously and sent the text message.

[Are you not afraid that I will blame you? ]

[No, because I believe that what you hate most is deception and concealment. ]

She replied almost immediately.

[Congratulations, Su Zexi's favorability has increased by 20 points, and the current total favorability is 40 points. 】

Seeing this, Su Zexi smiled.

"It seems that I was wrong. You are not stupid at all." Su Zexi murmured.

She is very smart, not simple.

It's just because the person she is facing is him, so she chose to tell him without reservation.

From investigating Mu Wanru's abnormality, to arranging those women calmly, to moving next door to his house, and getting acquainted with his parents first...

For some reason, after thinking about what Leng Su did, Su Zexi found that he was not angry at all.

He didn't really want to find a simple and stupid person, he was just afraid.

He was afraid that he would fall again.

After reading the text message, Su Zexi suddenly lost interest when he looked at the computer in front of him.

Unplug the USB drive, turn off the computer, and throw all the photos and videos into the trash can.

Putting down the phone, Su Zexi came to the balcony and looked at the villa next door.

A familiar figure suddenly broke into his sight. The moment their eyes met, both of them were stunned.

Leng Su smiled at him. Su Zexi was slightly startled, then slowly curled his lips and smiled back.

Neither of them spoke. After staring at each other for a while, they looked up at the beautiful night sky above their heads.

The night sky tonight is beautiful. The moon is round and there are many stars, scattered around the moonlight in a disorderly manner, surrounding it.

"Thank you..."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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