During that time, Mu Wanru was busy solving the mistress incident to prevent her from being able to see anyone at school if it got bigger, so she couldn't find time to find Su Zexi.

As for Mu Mu's illness and surgery, it is even more nonsense.

Mu Mu was obviously angry at Mu Wanru's chaotic private life and was hospitalized...

This is also the reason why Su Zexi chose to throw it away instead of returning it to Mu Wanru after reading the diary.

This diary is not true and has no other important meaning to Mu Wanru.

Mu Wanru wrote this specifically for him. He didn't like it, so it was good to lose it.

Outside the president's office.

Mu Wanru has been secretly paying attention to everything in the office.

The moment she saw Su Zexi pick up her diary, a glimmer of pride flashed through her eyes.

However, when she saw Su Zexi looking at the diary with no emotion on her face, she suddenly felt uneasy.

It shouldn't be.

Shouldn't we feel sorry for her?


Why was his reaction suddenly so wrong?

Did he know something?

No, it's impossible!

Although the Su family is very powerful in Jiangcheng, she is not from Jiangcheng.

Moreover, her father (stepdad) is not an ordinary person, and many things have happened over the years.

With the capabilities of the Su family, even if Su Zexi really investigated her, it would be impossible to find anything.

There are also people in the school. After she came back from rebirth, she started to win people's hearts and started letting everyone say good things about her in the school. Logically speaking, Su Zexi should not be able to find out anything.

But why?

Why did Su Zexi's attitude towards her suddenly become so cold this time when they saw each other again?

This is different from what she thought!

What went wrong?

The more she looked at Su Zexi's face, the more uneasy Mu Wanru felt.

Until she watched Su Zexi throw her notebook into the trash can, the ominous premonition in her heart also got a hammer!

Su Zexi must know something!

Could it be that he was also reborn?

No, not possible.

Rebirth is not a bad thing, so how can one be reborn one after another?

Could it be that her rebirth caused some kind of butterfly effect?

Or, where did she go wrong?

For a time, Mu Wanru fell into her own troubles and entanglements.

Thinking of her own purpose and the person she had been thinking about for two lifetimes, the slightest thought of retreat that had just appeared in Mu Wanru's heart completely disappeared.

No, no.

She couldn't just admit defeat.

She still wants to be with him.

If he didn't help him bring down the Su Group and Su Zexi, how could he look at her again?

Thinking of this, Mu Wanru forced herself to calm down.

She gritted her teeth and continued with her next plan.

In the blink of an eye, the whole morning passed.

Su Zexi finished processing the documents and was about to go out to have something to eat, walk around and consider whether to go to the Imperial Capital.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the office, he was stopped by Mu Wanru with an eager look on his face.

"Su, Mr. Su, I have an urgent document that I need you to review."

"Originally I was going to send it to you, but my computer suddenly disconnected from the Internet. Could you please come over and have a look, Mr. Su?"

Su Zexi: "..." Why is this woman still here?

As soon as she saw Mu Wanru and her pretentiousness, Su Zexi felt extremely uncomfortable.

He originally wanted to refuse, but thinking about the urgent documents and so on, he still suppressed his displeasure and stepped forward to Mu Wanru's desk.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [ゞo二槑] [Yue Jiuru] for the reward and support from the three little fairies, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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