"Manager Zhou, I really need this job."

"My mother is still ill and hospitalized, and my tuition for the next semester has not been settled yet. Manager Zhou, I beg you, please give me another chance."

After understanding Mu Wanru's situation, Manager Zhou felt helpless.

"Mu Wanru, it's not that I won't help you, it's really that I can't help you."

"Mr. Su personally said that either you leave or I leave. I will choke to death and there is nothing I can do."

"I have an old man above me and a young man below me. I have a whole family waiting for me to support them."

After hearing what Manager Zhou said, "Mr. Su spoke personally," Mu Wanru's pleading suddenly disappeared.

Su Zexi?

It was Su Zexi who wanted to fire her?

Is it because of what she did today?

He doesn't want to recognize her!

Why don't you want to recognize her?

What did she do wrong?

Mu Wanru was unwilling to give in, but she also knew that Su Zexi had spoken and she had to leave.

With full of doubts and unwillingness, Mu Wanru was forced to leave the Su Group.

She stood on the street and looked at the Su Group in front of her.

"I will definitely come back!"

"I will not give up!"

After muttering a few words like an oath, Mu Wanru turned around and left the Su Group, while calling the contact person to initiate the next step of the plan.

Imperial capital.

Mu Wanru's every move was under Leng Su's surveillance.

Knowing that Mu Wanru had another evil idea, Leng Su sighed silently in his heart.

"This man is really determined to commit suicide."

She was confused, why did Mu Wanru have to stare at Su Zexi?

Although there are not many wealthy families in Jiangcheng, there are also many.

There are quite a few rich second generations who are about the same age as Mu Wanru. She can give up Su Zexi and choose another one.

But looking at the current development, Mu Wanru is obviously convinced that Su Zexi is not ready to give up.

Could it be that Su Zexi had a grudge against her in her previous life?

While she was thinking, she dialed Su Zexi's number.

Jiangcheng, a certain restaurant.

Su Zexi was eating her meal absentmindedly while looking at Leng Su's photos on her phone.

As time goes by, the longing in my heart becomes more and more intense.

"Ring ring ring."

The phone rang, and after seeing the caller clearly, Su Zexi's heart beat violently again.

He quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, straightened his clothes subconsciously, and after sitting upright, he took a deep breath and answered the phone.

"Hello? Is it...is it Su Su?" Su Zexi asked cautiously.

"..." On the other end of the phone, Leng Su was silent for a moment before he responded in a low voice, "Yeah."

"Are you...are you okay?" Su Zexi asked.

He originally wanted to ask about the so-called fiancé, but before he could say anything, he realized that he was in no position to ask.

"I'm fine."

"I won't go around in circles with you as soon as I have something else to do."

"I arranged for someone to keep an eye on Mu Wanru before, but news just came from below that Mu Wanru has found a bunch of gangsters to attack you...be careful yourself."

Upon hearing that it was Mu Wanru again, Su Zexi frowned immediately, not understanding why the other party was so haunted.

Obviously, he didn't know her at all.

But this woman was plotting against him from the very beginning when she met him...

He also recalled his past memories and confirmed again and again that he and Mu Wanru really didn't know each other or had any interactions with each other before.

"Okay, I'll be careful...thank you for the reminder."

[Congratulations, Su Zexi's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 70 points. 】

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [137****93] for the reward and support from the two little fairies, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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