While Xiaobai and others were talking, they secretly looked at each other and watched the changes in Su Zexi's facial expressions.

Su Kai?

got engaged?

Have the elders of the two families met?

Isn't this the man who called him on Lengsu's mobile phone and declared his sovereignty? ! !

Su Zexi's eyes were fixed on the tall and handsome Su Kai in front of him.

She is just a little bit taller than him, but her appearance is not as good as his, okay?

Both have the same surname: Su, and Su Zexi is much more handsome than Su Kai!

He has a good temperament and a gentle smile, but men like Su Kai are the easiest to attract bees and butterflies.

It was better for him. There was only Susu in his heart. Even if he wanted to smile, he would only smile to Susu.

His gentleness and thoughtfulness are reserved for only Susu.

Where is the best central air conditioner like Su Kai?

He smiles to everyone, is gentle to everyone, and is a gentleman to everyone. This kind of man is the most annoying, the most shameless, the most shameless! ! !

When she thought of what Su Kai had done before, and when she thought that Su Kai was Leng's mother's favorite son-in-law, Su Zexi couldn't help but diss him in her heart.

Seeing the anger on his face, the six Xiaobai brothers looked at each other, each seeing a look of satisfaction in the other's eyes.

This first step, stimulating Su Zexi, they have successfully completed.

Now, it was about bringing Su Zexi and Su Kai into contact, which made him completely absent-minded tonight.

Thinking about it, Xiaobai secretly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Su Kai.

Here, after Su Kai noticed the vibration of his cell phone in his pocket, he calmly looked towards where Xiao Bai and others were.

Eyes facing each other...

His eyes were enough to confirm that he was his love rival!

Su Zexi was hostile to Su Kai, and the evildoer's face was full of wariness.

The gaze he looked at Su Kai was like an old hen protecting its calf, full of wariness and resistance towards him.

Seeing Su Zexi's appearance, Su Kai couldn't help laughing.

If it hadn't been for the wrong occasion, and if he hadn't been afraid of ruining Leng Su's plan, he would have been unable to help laughing.

Time passed quietly as Su Zexi and Su Kai looked at each other...

Unknowingly, the banquet hall, which had been bustling with chatter, suddenly became quiet.

Everyone's attention was directed towards the stairs.

I saw Leng Su, who was wearing a bright red dress, walking down the stairs together with Mr. Leng, who was wearing a bright red birthday suit.

The old man had a kind smile on his face and was turning to say something to Leng Su.

The grandfather and grandson supported each other and walked down the stairs in front of everyone's attention.

"Congratulations to the old general on his eightieth birthday."

"I wish the veteran general to be as blessed as the East China Sea and live as long as the Southern Mountains."

As soon as the grandfather and grandson came down the stairs, they were greeted by everyone rushing to give their blessings and various precious birthday gifts.

"thank you all."

After accepting everyone's blessings and gifts, the old man asked the guests not to be formal and to eat whatever they wanted, just like at home.

After saying this, the old man took the reluctant Leng Su to meet the young talents.

The first person I met was Zhang Qi!

After all, the old man himself was a member of the army when he was young. He naturally prefers the handsome and mighty Zhang Qi to the evil-minded Jiang Hao.

"Xiao Qi, I heard that you have made meritorious deeds recently."

"The mission on the border has been completed very well. I haven't seen you for a few years. Xiao Qi, you are becoming more and more promising."

"The old general is so complimentary." The expressionless Zhang Qi finally showed his first smile tonight when facing Mr. Leng.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] and [Wang Yating] for the two little fairies’ support in giving rewards, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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