The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2631 The “Unlucky” Richest Man VS the Proud Daughter of Heaven (38)

Leng Su was chatting with the old man and Su Kai.

Suddenly, Bai Yan came over with a smile on his face. After saying sorry to the old man and Su Kai, he pulled Leng Su away in a hurry.

"Seventh sister, it's done!"

"Is it really done?" Leng Su asked.

For some reason, Leng Su's heart suddenly trembled when he saw the smiling faces of Bai Yan and others, and an inexplicable feeling of uneasiness came over him.

"Yes, it's done."

"Brother-in-law is waiting for you in the yard now."

"As soon as the seventh sister passes by, the custodian brother-in-law will confess to you and apologize, and you can do whatever you want with the seventh sister!"

Leng Su: "..." Why does that last sentence sound weird?

"Okay, Seventh Sister, go quickly, otherwise the old general will come looking for you again in a while."

Glancing at the old man who was talking to Su Kai, Leng Su thought for a while and asked Bai Yan and others to help drag the old man while she went back.

It's summer now.

Although it was already night, the temperature in the yard was still a bit high.

When the breeze blows, your hot body will get a little coolness.

As soon as Leng Su walked into the courtyard, before she could see Su Zexi's figure, a fiery body wrapped around her from behind.

"Su, Susu..."

"Yes, I'm sorry, I, I was wrong..."

Asked about the faint smell of alcohol on Su Zexi's body, feeling the scalding temperature on his body, and the bumpy tone when he spoke, Leng Su's heart beat uncontrollably.

An unknown premonition came over me.

"Su Zexi, did you drink too much? Or did you eat something unclean?"

Leng Su forcefully broke away from someone's arms, turned around and stared at the man with a bloodshot face in front of him with a strange expression.

Face, neck, ears, eyes are all red...

Needless to say, this guy must have been drugged!

"I, I didn't drink too much, just a little bit."

As he spoke, Su Zexi leaned towards Leng Su again.

There was a tall man nestled in her arms, and he kept rubbing his body and face against hers. His big hands were still idle, groping her body.

Leng Su had a dark face and forcefully pulled someone out of his arms.

"Su Zexi, you have been drugged!"

"Susu, I wasn't drugged, I just drank a little wine, just a little bit..."

As she said that, a certain large "pet" nestled into her arms and rubbed against her.

"Susu, yes, I'm sorry, I, I know I was wrong."

"Susu, please forgive me, please?"

"Only, as long as you are willing to forgive me, I, I promise to let you beat and scold me from now on."

"You can bully and abuse me however you want, as long as you don't leave me."

"Susu, I like you, I really like you."

While talking, Su Zexi burst into tears...

Leng Su: "..." Oh my god, what did those six little bastards do to this guy?

Love potion alone cannot be so powerful.

"Su Zexi, calm down first."

"I'll take you to take a cold bath first and notify the family doctor to come and see you."

The relationship between them has not yet been confirmed, and their feelings for each other have not yet been expressed. Moreover, today is the old man's birthday, so it is really not suitable for any further development.

The old man will cut the cake later. According to his love for her, if she were not there, he would not let it go.

Thinking about it, Leng Su forcefully grabbed Su Zexi's hands to stop him from lighting the fire randomly.

Sneaking to the back door, he bypassed the front hall filled with guests and went upstairs.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] for the little fairy’s reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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