The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2644 The funny CEO has a delicate body and is easy to push down (4)

"As for what Mr. Luo said is not a physical problem, I really can't do anything about it."

After saying that, Leng Su got up and walked to the door.

He stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture towards Luo Lin.

Luo Lin looked at her with a hurt expression: "Doctor Leng, this is my heart disease..."

"As the saying goes, a disease of the heart needs medicine from the heart."

"My disease only attacks when I see Dr. Leng..."

Before Luo Lin finished speaking, Leng Su interrupted him first.

"In that case, if Mr. Luo doesn't see me in the future, he will naturally not be like this."

Luo Lin: "..." It's over, I said the wrong thing.

"No, Doctor Leng, please listen to my explanation."

"My disease is not like this. I made a mistake just now..."

Before Luo Lin could finish speaking, Leng Su forcefully pushed him out of the consulting room.

With a "bang", the door of the consulting room was closed and locked.

Luo Lin stood outside the door, with a sad look on his handsome face.

‘System, can I apply to change the heroine? ’

[…] The host is talking to himself daily.

‘System, this heroine is really terrible. Can’t you really be accommodating and give me another heroine? ’

[…] The host always likes to say things that are completely impossible.

‘System, let me ask you, why did you choose such a terrible heroine for me? ’

[...The heroine is determined by heaven and cannot be chosen by this system! 】

This time, the system couldn't hold it back and jumped out to clarify for itself.

'Oh...' The sad look on Luo Lin's face became a little stronger.

However, this complaint did not last for a few seconds. Luo Lin's face was suddenly filled with curiosity.

‘Hey, System, why don’t you pretend to be dead or dumb? ’


'Do not speak? ’

‘Oh, I’m talking about the system, why do you think this heroine is so unreasonable? ’

‘Look at the other women in this imperial capital, who doesn’t look infatuated and admiring me when they see me? ’

‘Why did we get to the heroine’s place? I even took the initiative to send him to her door, but she was still indifferent! ’

'You said she was indifferent, but she was so cruel that she drove out a handsome young man like me! ! ! ’

‘Kick it out! ! ! ’


After Luo Lin complained to the silent system, his anger finally subsided a lot.

‘System, don’t worry, I won’t give up just now! ’

‘Master, I will definitely seduce Leng Su with this monster face! ’

【...Come on. 】

'Huh? System, you seem to be talking a bit too much today? ’

‘I remember you didn’t speak once in the month before, but today you spoke five times! ’

‘I always feel like it’s a dream, very unreal. ’

[…] It wants to apply for a different host, is that okay?

Luo Lin kept talking for a while, but when he saw that the system was pretending to be dead and ignoring him, he was neither angry nor sad.

Anyway, he was used to the system's routine of pretending to be dead.

The system stated that it also systemized the host's daily self-talk.

The most surprising thing is that the host of this system is obviously dissatisfied with each other, but miraculously, they still get along very harmoniously...

After taking away Luo Lin, Leng Su sat in the consulting room and thought about their interactions and interactions just now.

Although she was not sure, she still felt that Luo Lin's target seemed to be her?

To capture her?

To make her fall in love with him?

Leng Su guessed...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Laughing in the World’s Past] [Murong Yichu] and the three little fairies for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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