The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2653 The funny CEO has a delicate body and is easy to push down (13)

After the kiss, Luo Lin was still dumbfounded.

Leng Su looked at him with amusement, said nothing, picked up the medicine box and turned around and left silently.

When Luo Lin came to his senses, Leng Su had disappeared.

After Luo Lin came to his senses, he covered his mouth excitedly and looked around, trying to find Leng Su.


The woman left!

The woman actually ate him up and turned her face away from him!!!

Before Luo Lin had time to get angry, he was greeted with complicated eyes from all directions.

There was envy, jealousy, hatred, and even regret and loss...

Originally, Luo Lin was a little depressed about Leng Su's irresponsibility and turning his face away from him.

However, now that he was stared at by these men with envy, jealousy and hatred, his mood suddenly became very good...

Look, look, he is still awesome.

Leng Su had hundreds of suitors, but in the end, he still won the first place.

Only he, Luo Lin, received her admiration, her true heart, and her...first kiss.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin subconsciously touched his lips, his lips curled slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

So good.

She really liked him.

She really was attracted to him.

His mission was finally almost completed!

Thinking about it, Luo Lin's smile deepened a little, and his face was full of happiness and sweetness.

[Congratulations, Luo Lin's favorability increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability is 70 points. ]


Change the host!

Must change the host!

Otherwise, it will not do this mission!

The system was angry and sent several emails to the headquarters in succession.

Just when this person and the system were completely immersed in their own emotions, Luo Lin seemed to suddenly think of something and his face changed drastically.

‘System, system, let me ask you, as long as I complete the task, you will leave, and I can be with Leng Su forever? ’

[……] Refuse to communicate with you, thank you.

‘System, you speak! ’

‘I’m not saying anything to you, you’re not dumb, why do you pretend to be dumb all day long? Is it fun? ’

‘System! I’m your host, if you don’t answer my questions, do you still want to complete the mission? ’

‘I’m telling you, I’ve finally made some progress, and I’ve finally made the heroine like me, you can’t hold me back! ’


The system still didn’t speak, but just silently glanced at the “0” on the data panel, which meant that the data of its body was distorted, as if it had experienced something terrible.

The system didn’t respond to him for a long time, and Luo Lin muttered to himself for a long time before giving up.

Since the kiss that day, Luo Lin has started to come to Leng Su in different ways every day.

Today he has a headache and is in a trance, saying that he feels very uncomfortable.

When Leng Su was taking his pulse, he suddenly held Leng Su’s hand with his backhand, and said with a loving face that as long as he saw her, his illness would be cured.

Leng Su: "..."

"Have you been watching TV series recently?"

"Huh? How do you know?" Luo Lin's mouth once again spoke faster than his brain.

Leng Su: "..."

There was no way, she was also following a TV series, and unfortunately, she just happened to see the male lead telling the female lead about various symptoms of lovesickness.

Leng Su's mouth twitched when she thought of Luo Lin's acting skills just now.

This guy has this evil face for nothing, his acting skills just now were really unbearable, and he couldn't compare with the male lead in the TV series at all...

"Luo Lin, don't you have anything to say to me?"

PS: [Daily vote request]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Qiwei.] [Bushun] three little fairies for your support, mua mua (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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