The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2663 The funny CEO has a delicate body and is easy to push down (24)

A crazy night...

The next day, when Luo Lin woke up, he found silence in the room.

The bed next to him was already chilly. It was obvious that Leng Su had been gone for a long time.

Luo Lin got up quickly, picked up his cell phone and dialed Leng Su's number.


The busy signal was always busy, and Leng Su didn't answer his call for a long time.

Luo Lin was worried and anxious, so he stood up quickly, washed and tidied up, and then went out.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he got downstairs, he was blocked by Luo Mu.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"What am I doing? You have the nerve to ask me what I am doing?" Luo Mu said angrily.

"Luo Lin, what did we teach you when you were a child?"

"What's so good about that woman? She broke into a house in the middle of the night and did such a shameless thing to you. Why do you still want to go find her?"

"Mom, Susu and I like each other. We truly love each other."

"I have decided on Su Su, and I will not marry anyone but her in this life."

"Of course, if mom doesn't agree, then I can marry into Susu's house!"

As soon as Luo Lin said these words, Luo's mother was so angry that she trembled all over.

For a moment, he wanted to raise his hand and slap Luo Lin to wake him up.

Just when Luo Lin was trying to stand out, two familiar female voices suddenly sounded in the huge living room...

"One hundred million, leave my son!" A cold and strong female voice sounded, and Luo Lin knew clearly that it was Luo's mother's voice.

Just when Luo Lin was full of expectations, waiting for someone's rejection, the other person's answer made him feel like he was struck by lightning.


Luo Lin turned his head in disbelief, staring at the TV in front of him.

Look at the picture being shown inside.

In this familiar living room, the beautiful woman who had been entangled with him last night was sitting on the sofa opposite his mother.

In the picture, Luo's mother handed a check with many zeros written on it to Leng Su.

A scene that he couldn't accept appeared...

Leng Su...she actually took the check and turned around and left!


"I do not believe!"

"This must be fake!"

"Susu will not do this to me."

"She loves me so much, how could she abandon me for a mere 100 million."

"Last night, she still treated me like that. She also said she liked me and loved me."

"Yes, this must be a lie. I want to find her. I want to hear her tell me personally that this is all a lie."

With that said, Luo Lin ignored Luo Mu's ugly expression, turned around and walked out.

"Luo Lin!"

"Luo Lin, stop!"

Behind him, Luo Mu's calls kept coming, but Luo Lin had already turned a deaf ear.

Luo Lin came to the hospital and was informed that Leng Su had resigned.

Luo Lin came to Leng's house, but was told that Leng Su had gone abroad.

Luo Lin searched all the places where Leng Su would go, everywhere he could go, but he never found her.

When he stood guard at the gate of Leng's house, Leng's mother couldn't stand it and handed him a letter.

"This is what Susu asked me to give to you before leaving."

Luo Lin took it with trembling hands and opened it. After reading the letter, he froze in place.

At the same time, the late system prompt also sounded...

[Congratulations, the favorability value of the heroine Leng Su has increased by 20 points, and the total favorability value is 100 points. Congratulations to the host for successfully completing the task. 】

[Ding, the system is about to leave, host please be prepared! 】

After Luo Lin completed his mission, the system successfully collected the energy it wanted...


【Daily request for tickets】

PS: Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Laughing in the World’s Past] [Yes Zhiye] [Nanxi is not a Lolita] and the four little fairies for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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