It turns out that Leng Su did not come from an ordinary family at all, and she was not an ordinary doctor.

The private hospital where she works is not an inconspicuous small hospital...

That hospital was opened by the Leng family and was specially designed to treat those big shots.

Of course, ordinary people can also go, but the ordinary treatment area and the VIP treatment area are separated.

Also, Leng Su's personal life is not chaotic at all.

She has so many admirers and suitors.

Even the big bosses were planning to let the younger members of the family marry her, but Leng Su declined.

She has far more and better choices than Luo Lin.

But she chose Luo Lin...

All these facts were completely opposite to the picture in her mind.

In the pictures in her mind, Leng Su was an ordinary doctor and a gold digger with a chaotic private life.

For money, she is willing to do whatever it takes to stay with many men.

For money, she played and sang every night, drunkenly and dreamily.

For money, she destroyed other people's families and drove their first wives into desperation.

For money, she...

In short, in the pictures in her mind, Leng Su was a very scary woman.

After that day at the airport, those images still often appeared in her mind. Her energy was getting worse day by day, and she was in a trance.

Finally, she had no choice but to tell her parents about her situation.

Finally, under the arrangement of her parents, she accepted treatment from an old monk.

She lived in the temple, and in the blink of an eye, three years passed.

She finally got rid of those nightmares, she finally returned to reality and saw everything clearly.

Now, looking at the scene of Leng Su and Luo Lin happily joining hands, she only felt happy and blessed.

Fortunately, their love is stronger than gold. Fortunately, their trust in each other was not destroyed by her.

When the wedding finally came to an end, Luo Lin was carried home by his two brothers...

Luo family.

Leng Su changed out of her wedding dress, put on a bright red dress, wetted the towel, and carefully wiped the cheeks and body of a drunken person on the bed.

Just halfway through, her hand was caught by a big hand.

Before she could react, the wet towel in her hand was taken away, her hand was pulled hard, her waist was pushed, and her whole body was pressed against someone uncontrollably.

Just as she was about to struggle to get up, her body was lifted by someone's big hand.

The next second, her little mouth was accurately captured by someone.

Eyes facing each other...

She saw someone who was supposed to be unconscious looking at her with a smile in his eyes.

", you're not drunk?" Leng Su asked.

Luo Lin kissed her hard several times and said helplessly: "Today is our wedding day. If I were really drunk, I would be rude. I'm sorry for you, Su Su."

Speaking of this, Luo Lin showed a look of helplessness on his face.

"Fortunately, I was clever and managed to escape by pretending to be drunk."

"Susu, your suitors are so crazy!"

As he said that, Luo Lin suddenly looked at her with burning eyes: "From today on, you are my Luo Lin."

"From now on, you must never have anything to do with those men!"

"They are just patients to me..." Leng Su said helplessly.

Hearing this, Luo Lin's jealousy dissipated slightly.

He looked at Leng Su, and when she wasn't paying attention, he suddenly turned over.

"Luo Lin, you're crazy..."

"'s still daytime now..."

"...The curtains haven't been drawn yet..."

Leng Su's words were intermittent until finally he was completely blocked.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Alana] [Indifferent @] for the reward and support from the three little fairies, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

End of update, good night, okay?

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