
Still black...

Everything is black...

Everything visible to the naked eye was pitch black.

There seemed to be no other color or anything else but black in this place.

The ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger, and the guess he didn't want to think about became more and more clear.

"...If my teacher's guess is correct..."

"???" Leng Sujing waited for Mu Ze's follow-up.

"This seems to be a nightmare place..." Mu Ze said with difficulty.

Nightmare land?

Leng Su was stunned for a moment, and then everything related to the "Nightmare Land" came to his mind.

The most terrifying, arduous, and humiliating mysterious realm in the world of cultivation.

The land of nightmares is more terrifying than the inner demons of cultivators.

Here, you can never tell where you are.

The longer you stay in this place, the more blurry the memories become in your mind.

Slowly, you will be trapped in this place, forgetting who you are, what your purpose is, and what you should do.

Over time, you will be left in this place forever, and you will become the nourishment of the nightmare land and be swallowed and absorbed by it.

All in all, all in all, this is an existence more terrifying than the land of yellow sand! ! !

Leng Su: "..." She had a MMP saying that she didn't know whether to say or not.

Leng Su said nothing, silently turned the psychic mirror, and silently placed the flame on her chin.

The psychic mirror was aimed at her dark and terrifying face illuminated by the firelight, and she looked faintly at Mu Ze who fell into silence in the mirror.

"Master, don't you have anything to say to your disciple?"

Mu Ze: "..."

"Master, has my disciple offended you in any way? If you have any dissatisfaction, why don't you tell me directly?"

Mu Ze: "..."

"As a teacher... as a teacher, try again."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Ze fired a burst of spiritual power, causing Leng Su to let go in pain.

The psychic mirror flew into the air, and a powerful spiritual power penetrated the psychic mirror, accompanied by countless runes that enveloped Leng Su.

A dazzling light lit up, and the vortex with halo appeared again at Leng Su's feet.

Leng Su felt her eyes go dark, and the next second, she appeared in another strange place.

This time, there was no darkness, no yellow sand, just darkness.

There were countless ghosts screaming hysterically surrounding her...

As soon as Leng Su appeared, the innocent souls around him roared excitedly.



"Human beings are human beings..."

"What a delicious human smell..."

"It smells so pure and clean..."

"I'm going to eat you, I'm going to eat you!"

"Girl doll, come here quickly, come here and let me eat you..."


There was another crashing sound from a heavy object being hit on the head.

Leng Su didn't want to say anything anymore. She clutched the psychic mirror in her hand and glared fiercely at Mu Ze in the mirror.

"Master, is there anything else you want to say?"

Mu Ze: "..."

Mu Ze silently looked at everything in the psychic mirror and at the hungry ghosts surrounding Leng Su.

Looking at the dark and gloomy place behind Leng Su, he fell into a deep silence, a long silence...

"As a teacher..."

"As a teacher..."

"As a teacher..."

After Mu Ze muttered three times, he never spoke again.

Finally, he looked deeply at Leng Su.

Then, without saying a word, he cut off the connection with the psychic mirror and disappeared in front of Leng Su irresponsibly.

Leng Su: "..." She has a MMP sentence that she must jump up and say! ! !

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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