"Of course, I keep you here because I have something to ask for..."

The red flame beast stared at Leng Su and never agreed to her conditions.

Leng Su was not in a hurry, but silently stuffed the red flame beast egg in his sleeve into Su Yanyu's numb hand.

Then, in full view of everyone, she squeezed Su Yanyu's hand and raised it.

Su Yanyu glanced at Leng Su, feeling secretly resentful.

This woman really knows everything! ! !

Under the sun, the egg in Su Yanyu's hand was unreservedly exposed to everyone's eyes.

After a short period of silence for three seconds, everyone started talking.

"how come?"

"It's really the egg of the Red Flame Beast?"

"It's impossible. Junior sister Su is not that kind of person. How could she take the egg of the red flame beast?"

"This egg must not have been taken by Junior Sister Su. It must have been that woman who framed Junior Sister Su."

Leng Su: "..."

Leng Su glanced at those who tried to grab her and put the blame on her.

The corners of his lips raised into a sneer: "No, you are overthinking."

"I have always been shameless in framing such despicable means."

"When I hate someone, I never beat around the bush, but I kill her directly, and it's over!"

"I do hate your so-called Junior Sister Su, but if you want me to frame her, she is not qualified."

"I'm afraid of getting my hands dirty even if I kill her directly..."

A group of Sword Sect disciples: "..." This hurts my heart!

Su Yanyu's expression was distorted, but because her head was slightly lowered, people couldn't see the expression on her face clearly.

Glancing at the weird expressions on these people's faces, Leng Su chuckled lightly, said nothing, but used his spiritual power to lift the egg and bring it to the Red Flame Beast.

Looking at the egg so close and the cracks on the eggshell, the anger and violent emotions on the Red Flame Beast's face gradually faded away.

The blood in his eyes gradually disappeared, returning to the original black pupils.

It opened its eyes wide and stared at the changes on the eggshell without blinking...

"Click, click, click..."

The cracking sound of the forging lessons kept coming.

Looking at the black light emitting from the broken eggshell, for some reason, Leng Su's heart actually "thumped", and a bad premonition came over him.


"Ah, I'm going to kill you!"

Sure enough, the next second, the red flame beast suddenly went crazy.

Leng Su grabbed Su Yanyu and quickly retreated, his eyes fixed on the proud smile on Su Yanyu's face.

"You want the Red Flame Beast mother and son to identify me?"

"Do you think I might let you do this?" Su Yanyu said proudly.

After saying that, before Leng Su could do anything, a trace of bright red blood flowed from the corner of Su Yanyu's mouth.


"Brother, save me!"

Su Yanyu's screams suddenly focused everyone's attention on her and Leng Su.

Seeing Su Yanyu's pale face and the dazzling bright red at the corner of her mouth, the eyes of those Sword Sect disciples looked at Leng Su with much ferocity.

One of them seemed to want to eat her alive...

Seeing this, Leng Su did not let go of Su Yanyu, and even set up a barrier around the two of them.

This time, she stopped grabbing Su Yanyu's hand and directly grabbed her neck and lifted her up in front of the disciples below.

Facing the hostile looks from the Sword Sect disciples, Leng Su didn't panic at all.

Instead, he looked at Su Yanyu with a smile and said, "I just said it..."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] for the little fairy’s reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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