The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2701 The “blackened” master VS the “loli” disciple (28)

"Master, my disciple's cultivation is at the peak of foundation building. But Su Yanyu is mysterious and unpredictable, with all kinds of skills and magic weapons emerging in her body. I'm afraid... I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat her."

"..." After hearing this, Mu Ze's refusal was suddenly stuck.

Mu Ze was silent for a long time, but finally decided to stay.

"I will hide in the dark to ensure your safety."

After saying that, without giving Leng Su a chance to continue speaking, Mu Ze broke away from her hand and disappeared in front of her eyes.

Leng Su: "..." As long as he doesn't leave, that's fine.

With the tracking talisman, Leng Su easily found Su Yanyu who was hiding in the cave to recover from her injuries.

After finding it, Leng Su did not alert the snake, but hid it in the dark.

I saw that Su Yanyu suddenly disappeared into the cave after healing her injuries.

Leng Su just took a look and had a guess in his mind.

Mu Ze, who was hiding on the other side, was terrified when he saw this scene.


Su Yanyu disappeared like that?

Is it teleportation?

Or... mustard space?

Su Yanyu hid in the space for a long time, and when she reappeared, she was back to the way Leng Su looked when he first saw her.

The blood pupils were hidden, the demonic energy throughout the body was converted into spiritual energy, and the cultivation level in the body also changed from magical energy back to spiritual energy.

Seeing this scene, Leng Su and Mu Ze were both shocked!

This Su Yanyu actually knew her "demon" identity a long time ago. It turned out that her demonic roots had been activated a long time ago, but she had hidden them using some unknown method.

Moreover, Leng Su also observed that Su Yanyu was clearly seriously injured before.

As a result, I don’t know what method she used. Now, not only is her injury intact, but her cultivation level has also changed from the middle stage of Foundation Establishment to the peak of Golden Core...

A cultivation level that spans an entire realm! ! !

Su Yanyu left, but Leng Su did not catch up. Instead, he walked out of the darkness and looked for Mu Ze.

"Is Master here?"

Mu Ze walked out of the darkness and looked at her with a solemn face: "Then Su Yanyu should have taken away the red flame beast's demon pill, refined it and devoured it."

Hearing this, Leng Su was not much surprised. In fact, she had more or less guessed it.

It's either the red flame beast's demon elixir or other heavenly and earthly treasures.

After all, Su Yanyu still owns a space, and no one knows how many treasures of heaven, material and earth are hidden in that space.

"Master, my disciple feels that Su Yanyu is very evil. Instead of letting her grow like this, it would be better to solve it as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Mu Ze fell into silence...

He took a deep look at Leng Su and said, "With your current level of cultivation, you still can't kill her."

Leng Su was obviously taken aback when he heard this.

Why does Mu Ze's words sound so wrong to her?

He didn't know what she was doing secretly, but why did he say she couldn't kill Su Yanyu?

Could it be that if she couldn't kill, he couldn't kill?

Su Yanyu is only at the peak of the Golden Core, while Mu Ze's cultivation is at the Mahayana stage...

"Master, can't you kill him?" Leng Su asked tentatively.

"It's not that I can't, it's that I'm powerless..." Mu Ze said, "In this world, you are the only one who can kill her."

"Just me?" Leng Su was stunned again.

This doesn’t sound right either.

Mu Ze couldn't possibly know her actual cultivation ability, so why did he say such a thing?

"Master..." Leng Su opened her mouth, obviously wanting to ask something, but Mu Ze raised her hand to interrupt her.

"When the time comes, you will know everything."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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