The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2716 The “blackened” master VS the “loli” disciple (43)

He had been looking for her so hard, but she was enjoying the love and admiration of these mortal men in this world.

For a whole year!

He missed her so much, but she was so heartless that she kept throwing out embroidered balls to find a husband!

She actually wanted to marry someone else?

How dare she?

His master hadn't agreed yet!

Something called "jealous fire" surrounded Mu Ze and ignited him.

"After not seeing each other for a year, Su Su has become more and more carefree and wanton. I almost thought I had recognized the wrong person."

Leng Su was watching the crowd below snatching with interest, when suddenly, a familiar magnetic male voice sounded.

She trembled all over, and the smile on her face disappeared.

She slowly and mechanically raised her head, looking at the peerless man standing in the void with his feet dangling in front of her with an unbelievable look on her face.

"Master, Master?" Leng Su looked at Mu Ze in surprise: "Why is Master here?" "I want to ask you, as a disciple of the Sword Sect, why don't you stay in the sect to cultivate immortality? Why do you covet the vanity of this world?" Facing Mu Ze's sharp gaze and the undisguised affection in his eyes, Leng Su's heart "trembled" uncontrollably. She subconsciously lowered her eyes and moved her sight downward, avoiding Mu Ze's extremely aggressive gaze. "Master, Master, my life is coming to an end. Staying in the sect will only cause trouble to everyone." The girl's beautiful face was pale, and her long and curved eyelashes trembled slightly, silently telling of her anxiety and fear. Seeing this, Mu Ze's heart softened suddenly... It was as if a hole was opened in his heart, and all the depression and anger accumulated over the past year were dissipated at this moment. All that was left was a heart full of heartache and pity, only a deeper and stronger yearning.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the crowd, Mu Ze reached out to Leng Su.

The girl's graceful figure flew up in full view of the crowd, flying straight towards the immortal man with fluttering clothes, and fell into the man's arms.

Leng Su felt her chin tighten, her face was forced to lift up, and Mu Ze's peerless face rushed into her eyes.

In her unbelievable sight, Mu Ze lowered his head, gently held her red lips, entangled, and tore.

"Master, Master, you..." Leng Su looked at the man in front of her in shock, her face and eyes were full of horror.

Mu Ze looked straight at her, and the affection in his eyes was completely exposed.

"Su Su, has your master ever told you..."

Leng Su asked blankly: "Say, what?"

Taking her dull and immature reaction into his eyes, Mu Ze felt a little satisfied and a little happy in his heart.

The corners of his lips curled slightly, his eyebrows raised slightly, and his sexy voice sounded.

"Master, I admire you."

These five simple words made Leng Su feel like she was struck by lightning, and she was stunned, stunned, and stunned.

Mu Ze hugged her contentedly, feeling the full touch in his arms.

He kissed her tightly, feeling the real feeling of her between his lips and teeth.

She is his!

She can only be his!

No one can take her away from him!

No one can!

[Congratulations, Mu Ze's favorability value increased by 5 points, the total favorability value is 100 points, and the strategy is successful. ]

In the air, the two were entangled in a trance.

Below, the people of Simu City looked at the pair of people in the air with horror and wonder.

"Are they gods? They can actually fly!"

"They must be gods. If you don't believe me, just look at their appearance. They are heavenly!"

PS: [Seeking votes daily]

Thank you for the little fairy [Lan Xuemu]'s reward and support, mua (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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