"You, the Leng family, take yourselves too seriously!"

"Do you really think our Gu family cares about your sick daughter?"

"Your daughter, a hen that can't lay eggs, has been married for three years and can't even give birth to a son and a half."

"If our Gu family hadn't repaid our kindness and remembered your Leng family's help three years ago, it wouldn't be your turn to propose the divorce today."

"Since your Leng family insists on getting a divorce, our Gu family has no reason not to agree."

After saying that, Gu's father and mother looked at Gu Xiao at the same time: "Xiao'er, sign it."

Gu Xiao: "..."

"Okay, your Gu family is very good!" Father Leng laughed angrily at what Father Gu and Mother Gu said.

Seeing that both parents were furious, Gu Xiao was extremely embarrassed.

The Leng family's kindness to the Gu family is undeniable.

Leng Su's wife is also impeccable.

As for the child... no wonder Leng Su.

Seeing the excitement of Father Gu, Mother Gu and Father Leng, Gu Xiao couldn't help but look confused: "Mom, Dad, please calm down, please?"

"No matter what you say about me, Susu and I have been married for three years, and our two families have been in-laws for three years. If you have anything to say, can we calm down and sit down and talk slowly?"

Gu Xiao tried to smooth things over, but he didn't expect that Gu's father, Gu's mother, and Leng's father's emotions had already exploded. How could they calm down?

"Gu Xiao, if you don't want to sign this today, you have to sign it, otherwise we will meet in court!" Leng's father said.

"Dad, can you calm down and listen to me?"

"Su Su and I have been husband and wife for three years. Even if we really want to divorce, Su Su and I have to meet and explain everything clearly."

Gu Xiao never expected that Leng's father would be so decisive.

"There is nothing to say between our family and yours, and Susu will never see you."

"Since you don't want to sign this, then let's see you in court!" After saying that, Leng's father left angrily.

Gu Xiao tried to catch up and explain, but was stopped by Gu's father and Gu's mother.

"Mom and Dad, you are going too far!"

"Are we going too far? We're not doing this all because of you..."

Regardless of what happened to the Gu family of three here, Father Leng was really angry this time.

Without saying anything, he led a bunch of bodyguards to the villa where Gu Xiao and Leng Su usually lived.

He ordered his bodyguards to break in and immediately remove all Leng Su's belongings.

By the time Gu Xiao received a call from the security of the villa area and rushed back, it was already too late. Father Leng had already left.

Gu Xiao looked at the chaotic villa in front of him with a headache, and Leng Su's figure suddenly appeared in his mind uncontrollably.

If she were here, she would definitely not let things happen like this...

If she were here, she would definitely not make him so anxious...

Thinking of this, Gu Xiao was suddenly frightened!

It turned out that without realizing it, she had done so much for him?

It turned out that without realizing it, he had become so dependent and trusting on her?

Thinking of everything that happened the day before yesterday, I felt lonely when I returned home in the early morning.

The loneliness when I woke up the next day, and the table full of cold meals.

In the past, when she was at home, had he ever been ignored and treated so coldly?

In the past, she would take care of everything for him without him asking.

Whether it's his parents' side or Leng's father's side...

But what about him?

What did he do?

He never seemed to care or care about her...

Even though she has been in poor health and needs to take medicine and be hospitalized all year round, he only learned about it from his parents today...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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