When Wen Yue came back, Leng Su woke up at some point and was lying on the bed playing games.

Seeing this, Wen Yue couldn't help but look curious: "Su Su, when did you learn to play games?"

"When you don't know." Leng Su said casually.

Hearing this, Wen Yue was startled, lowered her eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, I just realized that without knowing it, Susu and I haven't seen each other for almost three years."

"If I had known earlier that you would marry Gu Xiao and so many things would happen to him, I would not have gone abroad in the first place." Wen Yue pretended to be casual.

Leng Su looked like he was playing the game as usual: "Whether you leave or not, what should happen will still happen, and no one can stop it."

Speaking of this, Leng Su paused for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Wen Yue with burning eyes.

"Yueyue, you know how deep my feelings for Gu Xiao are."

"Yueyue, I like Gu Xiao. I want to be with him forever."

"I know this road will be difficult and full of thorns, but I still don't want to give up."

"Yueyue, you are my best sister, and you are also the person who loves me the most besides my father. You will definitely help me, right?"

Facing Leng Su's direct gaze, Wen Yue's expression froze for a moment.

She opened her mouth and obviously wanted to say something, but for some reason, she paused when the words reached her lips.

After a while, Wen Yue grabbed her hand with a distressed expression.

"Su Su, Gu Xiao doesn't love you at all, why do you have to get yourself bruised and bruised for someone who doesn't love you?"

"You have done so much for Gu Xiao over the years, but he still doesn't love you, so why bother?"

"Su Su, you still have me and my uncle, why do you think Gu Xiao is the only one in your life?"

"Listen to my advice and give up on Gu Xiao."

"Maybe it will be difficult and painful at first, but you still have me...and uncle."

"My uncle and I will always be by your side."

"Just like when I fell out of love, you were always by my side, Susu, encouraging me and helping me get out of the shadows."

The more he talked, the harder Wen Yue held Leng Su's hand.

The more she spoke, the more seriously and intently she stared at Leng Su.

Leng Su even saw an invisible look of pleading on her face and in her eyes.

Leng Su seemed not to notice the pleading look on Wen Yue's face, and calmly pulled out his hand.

"Yueyue, you know, it's impossible..."

"It's harder for me to give up on Gu Xiao than it is for me to give up my life."

As soon as Leng Su said these words, the last glimmer of hope in Wen Yue's heart was shattered.

She looked at Leng Su pleadingly and asked without giving up: "Is it really not possible at all?"

Leng Su shook his head without saying a word.

The hope in Wen Yue's eyes gradually faded, and she stared blankly at Leng Su, her eyes twinkling.

"How could it be impossible?"

"At first I thought I couldn't give up on that man, but later I came out of the shadows with your help, Susu."

"Yes, as long as I help you, Su Su, you can definitely give up Gu Xiao."

Wen Yue suddenly raised her eyes and looked at Leng Su with burning eyes.

It's a pity that Leng Su doesn't intend to indulge her.

"Yueyue, I am different from you."

"The situation between Gu Xiao and I is also different from yours."

"You know best everything I have done for Gu Xiao. Do you think it is really possible for me to give up on Gu Xiao?

"..." Wen Yue was stumped by Leng Su's question.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

The fourth update is over, good night, okay?

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] for the little fairy’s reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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