[Congratulations, Gu Xiao's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 55 points. 】

Leng Su still went his own way and still didn't take Gu Xiao seriously.

She also selectively ignored Gu Xiao's various overtures.

Miraculously, Gu Xiao was not annoyed, but suddenly became very patient.

On weekdays, he still works hard and works overtime until late at night.

But when it was time for three meals, he did not forget to rush back to the villa to prepare three meals for Leng Su.

During weekends off, the relationship between him and Leng Su became that he would go wherever Leng Su went.

The days passed by in the blink of an eye in the stalemate between the two...

Leng Su saw that Gu Xiao was doing well these days, and in order to worry about his continued performance, she finally relented.

Instruct the people below not to stop Gu Xiao from investigating her.

Not only did he not stop him, he even helped Gu Xiao investigate the truth about that year.

For example, rescuing people in disaster areas.

For example, the Gu family had an illegitimate child.

For example, he was squeezed out by a group of shareholders of the Gu Group.

For another example, the mysterious second largest shareholder of the Gu Group is Leng Su.

Of course, there is also her Leng Su’s condition, and the truth about Wen Yue’s visit to him back then...

After receiving the call from the private detective, Gu Xiao felt very anxious and nervous.

After agreeing on a time and place to meet, Gu Xiao packed up and hurried out.

The agreed location was a high-end shopping mall near Gu's house, between Gu's house and the private detective agency.

Gu Xiao arrived successfully and met the private detective waiting in the coffee shop.

The other party handed him a sealed cowhide bag. Gu Xiao took it, opened it, took it out and took a casual look.

After confirming that it was indeed Leng Su's photo and some information, he nodded with satisfaction and paid the balance to the other party.

"I've got money and goods, so I won't bother Mr. Gu and go ahead."

"Go ahead."

After the private detective left, Gu Xiao looked at the cowhide bag in his hand and wanted to open it.

As a result, I don't know what I thought of, and my hand suddenly stopped again.

In the end, Gu Xiao still didn't open it.

Instead, he stood up silently, paid, took the cowhide bag and left the cafe to the parking lot.

As soon as we entered the parking lot, we were greeted by a strong light.

A feeling of uneasiness came over me...

Facing the sudden sound of the bicycle engine, listening to the sound of the wheels spinning rapidly, and looking at the black bicycle getting closer and closer, Gu Xiao felt that his heart was about to beat out of his chest.

It was obviously too late to escape at this point...

However, what Gu Xiao never expected was that a strong force suddenly came from his arm.

There was a sudden spin, followed by a violent collision.


A drop of suspicious liquid fell on his cheek, and the warm touch made Gu Xiao's heart tremble.

He touched his face with trembling hands, and Gu Xiao was stunned when he saw the bright red on his fingertips.

The next second, he quickly reacted, turned around quickly, and looked in disbelief at the motionless body lying on the ground in front of him.

Yes, it's her...


Why save him?

Doesn't she no longer love him or like him?


Gu Xiao ran to Leng Su like crazy, picked up Leng Su like crazy and ran to the side to where his car was.

He rushed all the way to the hospital without any care.

In the hospital.

Gu Xiao yelled and roared crazily, and kept shouting words such as "help" and "help her quickly"...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Alana] and the two little fairies for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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