Gu Xiao finished reading.

Gu Xiao left.

Gu Xiao left the ward.

Gu Xiao left the hospital...

Wen Yue sat where Gu Xiao originally sat, holding Leng Su's hand and placing it against her face like Gu Xiao.

After seeing her behavior in mid-air, Leng Su couldn't help but tremble all over, and a chill and twisting feeling hit his heart...

Girl, aunt, I am really straight!

It couldn’t be any straighter!

Please let me go!

Wen Yue looked at Leng Su with her eyes, full of fascination and deep love.

"Su Su, if possible, I really want to kill Gu Xiao and snatch you away from him!"

"But I don't dare..." Wen Yue laughed at herself.

Yes, she didn't dare.

It can be seen from Leng Su's various behaviors that Gu Xiao is her life.

If she really did something to Gu Xiao... No, it should be said that if Gu Xiao really had someone in case something bad happened, Leng Su would probably leave with him, right?

Not only could she not hurt Gu Xiao, but she had to protect that bitch Gu Xiao for her sake.

"I'm sorry..." Wen Yue looked at Leng Su and said with guilt in her eyes.

"It's my fault that I forgot that he is your life..."

As he spoke, Wen Yue couldn't help but stretched out her hand to touch Leng Su's pale face: "Don't worry, I will help you get revenge."

"Whether it's me or others, whoever bullied you or hurt you, I will avenge you."

Wen Yue has been staying by Leng Su's side.

Even if Leng's father arrived, she never left.

One day and one night passed, and Leng Su never woke up...

Gu Xiao had been missing all day and night, and no one knew where he had gone.

Father Leng's dissatisfaction with Gu Xiao became more and more intense.

Wen Yue noticed Leng's father's dissatisfaction and curled her lips with a sarcastic smile.

Although she didn't say anything bad about Gu Xiao, she never said anything good for Gu Xiao.

Father Leng might not know what Gu Xiao was going to do, but she had more or less guessed it.

But so what?

Even if she knew that Gu Xiao was doing it for Leng Su's good, why should she say good things for him?

Although Leng Su didn't love her, she wasn't prepared to force anything.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't hate Gu Xiao.

That man robbed her, and she wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood.

If Leng Su didn't regard him as her life, how could she let him go?

For the police, the car accident has yet to come to an end.

When the car accident occurred, the entire building suddenly lost power for unknown reasons.

The power outage caused the surveillance in the underground garage to stop working, and the entire car accident process, as well as the vehicle that caused the accident, the license plate number and the perpetrator were not recorded.

As for the two parties involved, Gu Xiao and Leng Su...

One was unconscious, and the other was blinded by the headlights of the car and could not see clearly what kind of car it was.

The police had no clues for a long time. Just when they were distressed, they suddenly received an anonymous reporting letter.

Inside the envelope is a USB flash drive.

There is a short video on the USB flash drive.

The video clearly recorded everything that happened in the lower garage that night.

The model, make, and license plate number of the vehicle involved in the accident.

And the whole process of the car accident...

Everything is completely recorded on video.

The police tried to find the person behind the anonymous letter, but after searching and investigating, they could not find it.

Finally, through that video and the car and license plate number in the video, the police successfully caught the perpetrator of the car accident...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

【Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, Mumoda(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~】

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] little fairy for your reward and support, okay (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

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