"I can cure her congenital disease."

"But whether she can wake up depends on herself." After a brief pulse check, the old man retracted his hand and said slowly.

As soon as the old man said these words, the whole ward fell silent.

If the old man had said these words before Leng Su fell into coma in a car accident, then everyone present would have been happy.

But unfortunately, the old man said these words only after Leng Su was confirmed by the hospital that it would be difficult to revive...

Seeing the sad looks on these people's faces, the old man pondered for a moment and said: "Heart ailments still need heart medicine."

Heart disease also needs a heart medicine doctor.

Upon hearing this, Wen Yue immediately looked at Gu Xiao.

Her eyes were complicated and she hesitated to speak.

"Mr. Jiang, my sister's congenital disease is a problem for you." Wen Yue said.

"Yeah." Mr. Jiang nodded slightly.

Everyone didn't stay in the ward for long before Wen Yue drove them away.

Everyone who should go has left, and those who shouldn't have stayed.

For a moment, apart from Leng Su who was unconscious on the bed, only Gu Xiao was left beside the bed, looking at Leng Su longingly.


"It's me, bastard, I failed you."

"you are silly."

"You have to pay so much for someone like me who doesn't deserve it."

Gu Xiao caressed Leng Su's pale face lovingly, his dark eyes full of tenderness.

"When there was an earthquake, even my parents just waited outside the disaster area, begging the soldiers to save me."

"Only you rushed into the disaster area desperately to find me and save me."

"There is also the matter of Gu Rui. My mother was determined not to get a divorce, but she never cared about me."

"My dad only wanted to get Xiaosan to the top and Gu Rui to join the Gu Group, and he never paid attention to me."

"Why are you so stubborn, hurting yourself again and again for me?"

That afternoon, Gu Xiao sat in front of Leng Su's bed and talked a lot.

She kept asking Leng Su why he was so stupid and kept saying that he was not worthy of her.

"Susu, wake up."

"As long as you wake up, I will promise you whatever you ask me to do."

"Even if you want to divorce me, I will promise you."

"The big deal is, after the divorce, I will pursue you again and make you fall in love with me again... No, make you willing to marry me again."

"For the rest of my life, I hope you can keep me in your heart, but don't say it out loud, let alone do anything about me."

"Just let me love you for the rest of my life."

At the door of the ward, Wen Yue stood there, looking at Gu Xiao and Leng Su in the ward with complicated expressions.

In her heart, just like Gu Xiao, she prayed and prayed in different ways, hoping that Leng Su would wake up soon.

As long as Leng Su can wake up, she won't fight for it.

No matter who Leng Su chooses, no matter who she wants to be with, she will no longer force anything.

For the rest of her life, she volunteered to silently guard Leng Su, bless her silently, and see her happy, that was enough.

[Congratulations, Gu Xiao's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 80 points. 】

Gu Xiao has been guarding Leng Su and taking care of her.

Wipe her body, change her clothes, and give her water.

He watches over Leng Su every day and talks to Leng Su every day, reminiscing about their past together, telling each other how much he misses her and regrets in his heart.

Gu Xiao said that he regretted not cherishing her properly.

Gu Xiao said that he had nothing to wish for for the rest of his life except that she would wake up.

Gu Xiao said that he was sorry for her, that he was too stupid and could not see his own heart clearly, that he had failed her...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

The fourth update is over, good night, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Alana] [Qianxiang Moli]. 】【The author of this book is a big breasted person, do you believe it】【Aguo Alan】Five little fairies give rewards and support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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