The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2762 The “innocent” little emperor VS the “shady” prime minister (6)

Since that day, the little emperor became more and more kind to Leng Su, and he loved and clung to her more and more.

Before going to court every day, Leng Su should be asked to serve him and accompany him to the Jinluan Hall to go to court.

After going to court every day, Leng Su was asked to accompany him to the imperial study room, where Leng Su would polish his ink for him while he quietly reviewed the memorials.

Even three meals a day must be accompanied by Leng Su...

Every time Leng Su tried to refuse, Feng Lin said that he had not had a good appetite recently and felt that being with the prime minister would make him more appetizing.

Leng Su: "..." She is not an appetizer.

Watching, the handsome men in the palace have been screened layer by layer, and now all that are left are the best of the best.

Seeing that the ceremony of drafting and conferring concubines was approaching, Feng Lin still made no move, and the entire front court and the harem were a little unable to sit still.

The handsome men in the harem couldn't bear it and began to secretly ask the male attendants in the palace to send messages home.

After receiving the urging letters from their precious sons, the female officials would write memorials to urge Feng Lin every day when they went to court.

Seeing mornings break up unhappy again and again...

On this day, in the imperial study room.

Leng Su secretly looked at Feng Lin's face while polishing the ink.

He picked up the pen but never put it down, causing the ink on the tip of the pen to drip and stain the memorial black.

"Is the Emperor worried about the draft?"

Feng Lin came to his senses and looked up at her.

Feng Lin was silent for a long time, but finally couldn't hold it back and expressed what was on his mind: "I... have no intention of having a harem."

"Your Majesty, this idea is unacceptable."

"You are the emperor of the Huang Kingdom, and the future of the Huang Kingdom depends entirely on you, the Emperor."

"This harem is to open up branches and leaves for the emperor. Even if the emperor doesn't care about the harem, he can't completely put it aside."

"Your Majesty, the former Emperor didn't have many princes and princesses under his knees. Your Majesty already has twenty or two. If you don't marry Fengjun and give birth to princes and princesses, I'm afraid..."

Leng Su did not continue what he said, but both she and Feng Lin understood the meaning.

Feng Lin also knew that the reason why he could inherit the throne in the first place was because of his status as the eldest daughter.

Today, several of his imperial sisters are still alive and well, each enjoying treatment like a local emperor in their fiefdom.

In the past few years, he could use the death of his father and the death of the late empress as an excuse to say that he had to observe filial piety for three years, never draft a show or get married, and gain the reputation of a filial daughter.

Now, six years have passed...

He is not young anymore. If there is no one in the harem anymore, the imperial sisters who still have him in the previous dynasty may not be able to sit still.

But he is a man!

How does he get married?

How can a man marry a man?

Even if you can hide the truth and marry someone into the palace, what happens after that?

What about heirs?

Just when the emperor looked sad, the announcements from the male attendants came from outside the royal study.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Feng has invited you."

Emperor: "..." One or two of them are forcing him!

The emperor wanted to refuse, but didn't want to. He suddenly stopped when his eyes touched Leng Su beside him.

The words that came to his lips were forcefully suppressed by him.

He put down the langhao pen in his hand, stood up and said, "Since Taijun Feng has invited me, the Prime Minister will go with Gu."

Leng Su: "..."

Fengning Palace.

When Leng Su and the emperor arrived, Feng Taijun was getting up to greet them.

The emperor waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to salute.

At Taijun Feng’s signal, the servants put a bunch of various delicacies on the table...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Alana] [Murong Yichu] [for not being cowardly. 】【Yes Zhiye】The rewards and support from the five little fairies, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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