The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2765 The “innocent” little emperor VS the “shady” prime minister (9)

"Xianger, you don't understand..." Feng Taijun looked at Luo Xiang and said with a disappointed look on his face.

"Cousin, I don't understand."

"I don't understand what's so good about that Leng Su, is it worthy for you, cousin, to be so obsessed with her and not even think about food and drink." Luo Xiang shouted dissatisfied.

As soon as she said this, Feng Taijun was so frightened that he immediately covered her mouth with a handkerchief and stared at her in horror.

"Luo Xiang, are you crazy?"

"This is the palace, not a place where you can talk nonsense!"

"Next time if you let me hear such treasonous words again, don't blame me for expelling you from the palace!"

Being scolded by Feng Taijun, Luo Xiang turned around angrily and ran away without looking back.

Looking at her leaving back, and thinking about what had just happened, Feng Taijun felt his whole body go weak, and the strength in his body seemed to disappear without a trace in an instant.

He weakly took several steps back, but fortunately the male waiter behind him helped him in time, which prevented him from falling to the ground.

"Taijun?" The male waiter looked worried.

Feng Taijun Xiao Jin shook his head with a pale face: "I am fine."

With that said, Feng Taijun ordered the male attendants on the side: "You two should follow Mr. Luo. Don't let him run around and bump into anyone."

"Yes, Taijun."

Thinking about Leng Su's gaffe just now, thinking about the emperor's uncertain expression when he left, and thinking about Luo Xiang's angry departure, Feng Taijun Xiao Jin's face looked particularly complicated.

"I hope she will be fine..." Feng Taijun Xiao Jin murmured, staring in the direction of the palace entrance.

Leng Su had just arrived at the palace gate and was stopped before he could leave the palace.

Looking at the carriage in front of him and the female guard in armor, Leng Su looked puzzled.

"You are?"

"Under the orders of the Emperor, I am here to send the Prime Minister back to his residence."

Leng Su: "..." The little emperor still has a conscience.

With the support of the female guard, Leng Su jumped into the carriage.

The moment the car door closed, Leng Su noticed from the corner of his eye the guard on the side saluting towards the palace entrance.

Seeing this, Leng Su looked obviously stunned.

She opened the curtains and looked around, only to see the little emperor Feng Lin standing at the door of the palace looking at her with a smile.

Leng Su: "..."

The scene before me was so familiar.

Some memories hidden deep in the mind of the original owner emerged.

In the past, when Feng Lin had not succeeded to the throne, the original owner also left the palace like this, and Feng Lin also sent him off like this.

It's just that I don't know when she started to drift away from him...

Thinking about it, Leng Su showed a dazed look on his face.

The sound of "Gululu" wheels sounded, and the carriage began to move forward.

Feng Lin's handsome face also drifted away, slowly becoming blurry.

Just when Leng Su was about to put down the curtain and look away, she vaguely saw a familiar figure appearing in front of Feng Lin.

That's... Luo Xiang! ! !

When he thought of this outsider, Leng Su's face immediately darkened.

She wished she could jump off the carriage immediately and rush back to Feng Lin to swear her sovereignty.

But...this is obviously impossible.

It was getting late and the palace door was about to close. As a woman, she could not stay in the palace.

Thinking about it, Leng Su suppressed the trace of depression and dissatisfaction in his heart and closed his eyes to prevent himself from thinking about it or looking at it.

At the same time, here at the palace gate.

Feng Lin looked at Luo Xiang, who appeared in front of him recklessly again, with an unpredictable expression on his face.

For a moment, it was impossible to know or guess what he was thinking...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] and [A, Mr. Xu] for their reward and support, okay? (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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