The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2770 The “innocent” little emperor VS the “shady” prime minister (14)

At the same time, Feng Lin couldn't help but think...

If Leng Su is really interested in him, does she know anything?

Or maybe it’s the woman she really likes, not him?

What if she knew he was a man?

For a while, Feng Lin actually became irritable because of these troubles.

Draft day.

Feng Lin was originally unwilling to participate, but the ancestral rules were there.

Manchao Wenwu stared at him, Feng Taijun stared at him, everyone stared at him and waited for him.

Even if he didn't want to, he still had to go there in person.

Logically speaking, he wanted to choose three husbands and four attendants, and he didn't want Leng Su to see that kind of scene.

But for some reason, he ordered Leng Su to go with him.

Royal Garden.

When Feng Lin and Leng Su arrived, Feng Taijun had already arrived and was sitting on a high seat.

When his eyes touched Leng Su's figure, Feng Taijun Xiao Jin's pale face suddenly showed a hint of joy.

However, this trace of joy was fleeting and was quickly restrained by Xiao Jin.

"Your Majesty, long live your Majesty."

"Get up." Feng Lin waved his hand casually and said.

With Feng Lin and Leng Su arriving, the draft officially began.

Rows of handsome men stood demurely outside, stepping forward gracefully as the waiters embraced them.

Xiaojiabiyu type, pure type, weak type, cute type, or gorgeous type.

Men of various styles, figures, and looks came forward wearing gorgeous palace attire and light makeup.

Feng Lin was not very interested, and neither was Feng Taijun Xiao Jin...

Leng Su, on the other hand, looked at it with gusto and sparkle.

Wow! This looks so cute, I really want to bully it!

This facial feature is so delicate and beautiful.

This figure is great, with curves and curves! ! !

And this one is a real-life version of an angel with a face and a devil’s figure.

I have to say, these handsome men are really one of a kind!

The figure, appearance, manners, and their skin are all top notch.

If she had to say something bad, she would probably be too "too girly".

After all, women are superior to the country, and women are inferior to men.

Women do men's things, and men do women's things.

Therefore, although these men are all beautiful in appearance and have outstanding figures, they are too weak and delicate.

Not manly at all, not handsome enough.

[Warning, Fenglin's favorability value has dropped by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 60 points. 】

Leng Su: "..."

One didn't pay attention and got a little carried away.

Leng Su turned around and saw Feng Lin's slightly depressed expression beside him.

His phoenix eyes were slightly lowered, and his long and curved eyelashes fell down, forming a shadow under his eyes, making it difficult to see what his expression was at this moment.

Not only Feng Lin, but also Feng Taijun Xiao Jin looked at Leng Su with a pale face, and the joy in his eyes was gradually replaced by despair and desolation.

Just now, Leng Su looked at the handsome men with such bright eyes.

That look was something he had never seen before.

In his impression, he seemed to have never seen her look at him like that...

Xiao Jin didn't know what he thought of, his expression was sad, and his already pale face turned a little whiter.

"Cough cough cough..." Xiao Jin coughed violently.

Leng Su and Feng Lin's attention was immediately attracted to him.

Feng Taijun Xiao Jin waved his hands indifferently and said weakly: "I'm fine, let's continue with the draft."

After saying that, Feng Taijun looked at Emperor Feng Lin and asked, "Does the Emperor like anyone?"

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Yun] [McDull] [Wei] [Midnight City] [Alana] [Lan Xuemu] [emm, that’s it] [Empty City Only Old Dreams] [Creamy Flavor] [Come and Eat Candy] [Arcobaleno] [Warm One Meter of Sunshine] [Yunzhong Fairy Alliance Painting Qingyan] The rewards and support from the thirteen little fairies, okay~(^з^)-

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