The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2784 The “innocent” little emperor VS the “shady” prime minister (28)

"King Zhao, please give me an explanation for this matter!"

General Zhang stared at the gloomy-looking woman on the bed with an ugly expression.

King Zhao? ? ?

As soon as she heard the word "Zhao Wang", Luo Xiang's whole body stiffened, and even her crying stopped abruptly.

She looked up from her biological father's arms with a look of horror on her face, and turned to look at the woman beside the bed.

Is she King Zhao?

That big villain, King Zhao?

That King Zhao who teamed up with her to frame Leng Su?

how come!

How can it be!

It wasn't until this moment that Luo Xiang suddenly woke up.

Suddenly she remembered that last night seemed to be the day when her and King Zhao's plan was implemented.

If there were no accidents, today would have been the day when King Zhao succeeded in catching an adulterer in the palace and discovered that Leng Su, the dignified prime minister of the dynasty, had defiled King Zhao's eldest son.


Why are things like this?

Shouldn't King Zhao be in King Zhao's Mansion?

And what about Lengsu?

Where did she go?

Thinking of this, Luo Xiang looked at the Zhao King eagerly and asked sharply: "Why are you here?"

Luo Xiang's words instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

General Zhang looked at her with squinted eyes and asked with unclear meaning: "Xian'er, do you know King Zhao?"

Hearing this, Luo Xiang realized what she was doing. Her face turned pale and she turned her head, not daring to look at the gloomy and terrifying expression of King Zhao.

"Mother, I don't know King Zhao, how could I possibly know King Zhao?"

"I grew up in a boudoir since I was a child and have never left Kyoto. How could I know King Zhao?"

"I just heard about King Zhao." Luo Xiang explained.

Hearing this, although the faces of General Zhang and others were still hesitant, they did not continue to ask any more questions.

After all, the current situation, coupled with the identities of Luo Xiang and King Zhao, the situation is already chaotic enough.

At this time, it is no longer so important to ask whether the two people knew each other before...

"Get back, everyone!"

"Take Xiang'er down to change clothes and wait at the gate." General Zhang stared at her husband with an ugly expression.

"Yes, my wife."

General Zhang's eyes returned to King Zhao: "We are waiting for King Zhao in the palace."

After saying these words, General Zhang left.

Looking at the suddenly empty and silent room, thinking about what had just happened, King Zhao's expression became even more gloomy and ugly.

"Oh, Leng Su!"

"I do underestimate you!"

She and Luo Xiang teamed up to harm Leng Su, trying to get between Leng Su and the emperor and win Leng Su over to his side.

But I didn't expect that Leng Su would hide so deeply.

On the surface, he is a gentle and gentle scholar.

Three months ago, he narrowly escaped death to save the emperor.

But I don’t think it’s all a show.

Leng Su not only has martial arts skills, but her skills and skills are far superior to her, a princess who has been on the battlefield.

She had already carried people out of the Prime Minister's Palace, but she didn't expect that Leng Su would trick her halfway.

Obviously, she had tapped the other person's acupuncture points, but unexpectedly, Leng Su still woke up.

Not only did she wake up, but she also knocked her unconscious and sent her to Luo Xiang's bed!

Now, it is the day when the emperor and empress are about to get married.

With her and Luo Xiang having such a quarrel, Feng Jun will definitely have to be replaced in the future.

Not only would all her previous plans be disrupted, but now, she couldn't even stay out of it.

Now, she and Luo Xiang have caused such a scandal, and they have been put under the eyes of everyone in the world, and are stared at by countless pairs of eyes...

She and Luo Xiang may not be able to avoid being blamed this time!

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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