Luo Xiang kept kowtowing and admitting his mistake, and kept begging Feng Lin for forgiveness.

He also hinted at Feng Lin that she was born as a girl...

Looking at Luo Xiang's behavior and thinking about what happened before, Leng Su suddenly felt a little confused.

Shui Tiao Ge Tou is modern...

But if you want to say that Luo Xiang is a time traveler, it doesn't look like it at all.

There's nothing I can do about it, this woman is really not that stupid.

Moreover, judging from her various performances and actions, she seems to be very accepting of everything in Huang Country.

He seems to know everything about Huang Country very well.

For example, what happened between the original owner and Feng Taijun Xiao Jin.

For example, what happened between the original owner and Emperor Feng Lin.

Another example is the matter of the Zhao King, everything in the General's Mansion, and certain handsome men during the draft...

Judging from her understanding of these things and people, I feel like she is born again.

As for the tasker, Leng Su said that it can be completely ruled out.

There is no way, Luo Xiang is too stupid.

If such a stupid person is so unlucky and does not have any auxiliary aura or skills, if she is the mission leader, then she...

She didn't believe it anyway.

Seeing that Feng Lin didn't speak for a long time, the expression on his face was also gloomy, and the eyes staring at her revealed a murderous intent.

Luo Xiang's heart trembled, and she gritted her teeth: "Your Majesty, do you really not remember what you said?"

When he said this, Luo Xiang's tone contained a strong sense of threat.

Looking at Feng Lin's slightly narrowed eyes, Leng Su suddenly smiled.

This Luo Xiang really won't die if he doesn't seek death.

Now, she still wants to threaten Feng Lin?

"Your Majesty, you said that you wanted Xiang'er to be your only Fengjun."

"You said that Xiang'er is the most suitable person for you in this world!"

"Your Majesty, Xiang'er is the best match for you. These are what you said before."

"It has only been a few days, has your Majesty really forgotten all this?"

Looking at Luo Xiang's hysterical face and listening to the words she said, Feng Lin smiled.

"I never forget."

"I always remember every word I said."

"Of course, I remember every word you said."

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

After saying that, Feng Lin smiled reassuringly at Luo Xiang.

Seeing Feng Lin's gentle smile, seeing Feng Lin's gentle gaze on her, Luo Xiang's heart instantly dropped.

The sadness on her face disappeared, and she looked at Feng Lin dreamingly, smiling happily.

After taking in Luo Xiang's series of reactions, King Zhao on the side smiled, self-deprecatingly and sarcastically.

She laughed at herself for being so wise and for being dormant for so many years, but she didn't want to be deceived by a fool like Luo Xiang.

Now, she acted impulsively, everything was exposed, and her years of planning were ruined.

Even her pillowcase and her children will be implicated by her...

Thinking of this, King Zhao looked at Luo Xiang with a more sinister and sinister look, more sinister and vicious.

She will never let this fool go!

Under Feng Lin's arrangement, Luo Xiang was taken away by the male attendants and temporarily stayed in Fengning Palace of Feng Taijun.

As for General Zhang, it was because of improper discipline and failure to take good care of the future Feng Jun that such a big mess happened on the eve of the wedding.

General Zhang was dismissed from his post and thrown into prison.

As for King Zhao...

No one knew what the emperor said to her, and no one knew what happened in the imperial study.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] for the little fairy’s reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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