"Auntie said she misses you."

Before Zhang Ting could explain the reason, before he could find a perfect excuse, Leng Yan blocked his full draft with just one sentence...

Zhang Ting: "..."

"Brother, I understand. Don't worry, I will take good care of Big Star Leng." Zhang Ting said with a numb face.

Taking Zhang Ting's resentful look into his eyes, Leng Su couldn't help but smile.

"When will you come back? I miss you..." she said.

Leng Su took back his cell phone and asked about Leng Yan.

"...Next week." Leng Yan muttered.

"It will take so long..." Leng Su said in despair.

"Then can you send me some photos? That way, I can look at your photos when I miss you."

Zhang Ting: "..." Show affection in public, but be careful of being struck by lightning.

"...Hmm." Leng Yan pondered for a long time.

"That's so kind of you!" Leng Su said happily.


"Hmm, work hard, have a good rest, and don't forget to take photos and send them to me." Leng Su reminded him.


After the call ended, the favorability score did not increase at all, and Leng Su felt disappointed.

Alas, Leng Yan, this man is really incompetent.

The original owner had known him for three months, and he was still his savior. Now they were boyfriend and girlfriend. As a result, Leng Yan's favorability value for her was only 20 points.

Really... cold-hearted.

"elder brother?"

A slightly familiar feminine voice sounded.

Turning around, I saw that the man and woman who had been entangled in the grass had ended their exercise at some point and were walking toward them in dignified clothes.

elder brother?

Following Ji Mengmeng's gaze, Leng Su's gaze rested on the gentle and handsome man.

Is he Ji Yu?

Ji Mengmeng's sister-controlled brother, the biological brother who is related by blood to the original owner Leng Su?

Yes, as a heroine who is favored by heaven, how could the original heroine be a helpless orphan?

It was nothing more than the arrival of outsiders that changed the fate between them, causing the original owner to change from a proud girl to a pitiable creature.

"Brother, I miss you so much."

Ji Mengmeng broke free from the hand of the man beside her and threw herself into Ji Yu's arms excitedly.

In public, even if they are really brothers and sisters, they are still in their twenties, hugging each other so tightly...

Leng Su sighed in his heart and shook his head calmly.

It can only be said that the world of pornography is indeed beyond the comprehension of a normal person like her.

"You are such a big person, how can you still act like a child?" Ji Yu gently tucked a strand of hair from Ji Mengmeng's forehead behind her ear.

Ji Mengmeng smiled and nuzzled into Ji Yu's arms: "That's because I have a good brother who always treats me like a child."

Although the interaction between the brother and sister is a bit too intimate, it has to be said that the harmonious atmosphere and relationship between them is envied by many people.

Leng Su glanced at it for a few times, but felt that he was not interested, so he turned around and left.

But unexpectedly, seeing her about to leave, Ji Mengmeng quickly raised her head from Ji Yu's arms.

"Are you Leng Su?"

Hearing this, Leng Su paused in his departure, turned his head, and raised his eyebrows in confusion.

Neither she nor the original owner knew Ji Mengmeng.

Ji Mengmeng smiled shyly and looked at Leng Su with burning eyes.

"I am Ji Mengmeng, and I am also a student at University B. I have always heard my classmates mention you, and I just recently saw you play the most beautiful woman in "The Beauty of the Capital"."

"I thought you were pretty enough on TV, but I didn't expect you to be even prettier in person than on TV!" Ji Mengmeng said with envy.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Alana] [Xiao Xuhao] [Naruo] and the four little fairies for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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