
The expected physiological feeling of vomiting was absent.

No nausea either.

Not even nausea or retching.

He touched Leng Su's hand and held her hand tightly in his palm.

You can feel the familiar feeling of disgust, but you don't feel the discomfort.

He...actually didn't reject Leng Su.

After realizing this, Leng Yan's eyes changed rapidly when he looked at Leng Su.

He thought that the swimming rescue was just an accident.

At that time, he was suffering from cramps and drowning, and his brain was in a state of hypoxia, so he had no time to pay attention to her touch and approach.

But I didn't expect that all this was actually true.

His mysophobia turned out to be ineffective against her.

He can actually touch people other than himself.

[Congratulations, Leng Yan's favorability value has increased by 10 points, and the current total favorability value is 30 points. 】

After a brief absence, Leng Yan came back to his senses, held Leng Su's hand tightly, and tried to transfer energy to Leng Su.

"it's me."

"Be good, give me your phone and I will take you out of here."

Under Leng Yan's comfort, Leng Su's body trembled less frequently.

She slowly, slowly raised her head to look at the cold banquet in front of her.

Eyes facing each other...

She saw herself in his eyes.

He also saw him in her eyes.

Under Leng Yan's gaze and his comfort, Leng Su slowly stopped shaking and took out his phone and handed it to him.

Although he had already guessed it, Leng Yan was still disappointed after seeing that Leng Su's mobile phone had no signal.

The last hope in my heart was shattered.

He could only pray that the assistant would find him and come find him.

I pray that the driver didn’t notice anything was wrong after waiting downstairs for a long time, and then come to look for it.

"Will we die here?" Leng Su suddenly said.

Hearing this, Leng Yan was startled, then turned to look at her and saw that her expression returned to normal, but there was a little fear in her eyes.

"No." Leng Yan said.

"The elevator has stopped. As long as we don't move around and wait for rescue, it will be fine."

"Don't worry, the driver is waiting for me downstairs, and Assistant Chen has gone to help me pack my things. If they don't find me for a while, they will definitely contact security to look for me."

Hearing this, the fear in Leng Su's eyes dissipated slightly, and a faint hint of hope appeared.

"I hope they find us soon."

"Yes." Leng Yan said.

The waiting time was quite unbearable. In order to save air, Leng Yan did not speak again.

Leng Su, on the other hand, didn't remain silent for long before he couldn't help but speak in a low voice.

"I can't die yet. Mother Dean has worked so hard to raise me, and I haven't repaid her yet."

Hearing this, Leng Yan was stunned again.

He knew that Leng Su was from an orphanage.

However, Leng Su's actions and her character often make people forget that she came from an orphanage.

Most of the children who come out of the orphanage are hard-working and motivated.

Not as willful as her...

There were people who praised her, and a lot of resources were given to her, but she still had to be picky and picky, not to act in this one or to act in that one.

The various behaviors she exhibited were more like a spoiled rich lady.

"I don't want to die yet, I still want to continue playing the role of the most beautiful woman."

"I haven't let the national audience see my beauty yet."

"I'm so good-looking and I'm still so young. I can't waste God's favor on me at all."

"There are so many beautiful clothes and skirts, so many beautiful makeup, jewelry and high heels waiting for me to be pampered..."


【Daily request for tickets】

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