Taking Leng Yan's reaction into his eyes, Leng Su lowered his eyes and a faint smile quickly flashed in his eyes...

Of course, a favorability score of only 35 points was not enough to make Leng Yan fall in love with her.

However, the right time, place, and people, coupled with her stimulation and a little trick just now, it is not a problem to make Leng Yan's body feel slightly wrong.

Although the gains from the elevator accident were not much, Leng Su was not depressed.

The two didn't stay in the elevator for long before the assistant brother came with security guards to come to the rescue.

The lights in the elevator returned to brightness, and the elevator door was forcibly opened from the outside.

Leng Su and Leng Yan were both rescued and finally saw the light of day again.

As soon as he got out of the elevator and left the small and stuffy environment, Leng Yan instantly felt that his breathing was relaxed, and some of the out-of-control reactions in his body gradually returned to calm.

"Mr. Leng, Miss Leng, are you okay?"

"Are you injured anywhere? Do you need to go to the hospital?" the assistant asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Leng Su shook his head.

Leng Yan glanced at her but didn't say anything.

"Go back to the villa."

"Yes, Mr. Leng."

The consequence of the elevator accident was that Leng Su successfully moved into Leng Yan's large villa in country M.

Halfway through, the assistant also asked if Leng Su should be sent to the hotel first.

Leng Yan's answer was "No need", "Go directly back to the villa". In addition, he also asked the assistant to remember to buy some new toiletries and daily necessities on the way.

The assistant was surprised for a moment, but said nothing and nodded in agreement.

Villa area.

After delivering the cold banquet and cold suds, the assistant and driver withdrew.

Looking at the area of ​​the large villa in front of him and all the furnishings in the room, Leng Su couldn't help but sigh.

He is worthy of being the male protagonist chosen by God, and his worth is really a shame.

"I sleep on the third floor."

"There are guest rooms on the first and second floors. The nanny will come and clean them every day. You can just choose a room to live in."

After saying that, Leng Yan walked towards the stairs.

Leng Su suddenly called out to him: "Aren't there any guest rooms on the third floor?"

Leng Yanshen stopped walking, was silent for a moment, and said, "No."

After saying that, Leng Yan paused for a moment and continued: "If you are afraid, stay in the guest room at the stairs on the second floor."

Hearing this, Leng Su subconsciously glanced at the room Leng Yan mentioned.

At the stairwell on the second floor, it is the closest to the third floor and the most convenient.

Whether Leng Yan is coming down from the third floor or she is going up to the third floor, this room is an excellent location.

"...Okay." Leng Su said slightly disappointed.

Leng Yan didn't speak any more and went upstairs to his room.

Facing the fiery gaze that fell on him from behind, in addition to helplessness, there was also a trace of emotion that even he himself could not see or understand...

It wasn't until his figure completely disappeared from her sight that Leng Su picked up his luggage and went upstairs.

As she walked, she was thinking about how to attack a person like Leng Yan who was so incompetent.

With their current relationship and Leng Yan's personality, seduction seems a little too much.


After Leng Su freshened up, she lay in a daze on the soft Simmons bed.

Looking up at the ceiling above, his mind was thinking about what Leng Yan was doing now.

Already asleep?

Still working on files?

Or maybe... missing her?

Of course, even she didn't believe the last guess.

The night wind blew and the curtains fluttered. Looking at the dark night outside the window, Leng Su's eyes suddenly lit up...

Got it!

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Alana] and the two little fairies for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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