Hearing that the favorability value was rising, Leng Su subconsciously raised his eyes and looked towards the third floor.

Only to see that the door that was originally closed had opened a gap at some point.

Through the gap, someone's figure was looming.

Leng Su's lips curled slightly, calmly retracted his gaze, and walked to the table to eat.

In the room on the third floor.

Leng Yan stood stiffly at the door, and the crisp and pleasant female voices of Leng Su and Assistant Chen kept pouring into his ears.

The hot touch came from his lips...

The scene that happened in the morning was vivid and kept emerging in his mind.


While Leng Su was eating happily, he was guessing when someone would come downstairs.

Unexpectedly, she received a call from Zhang Ting just halfway through her meal.


"A Hollywood blockbuster invited me?"

"The role I was invited to play is definitely the most beautiful woman?"

Leng Su's heart was moved.

Zhang Ting also said that he was on his way to pick her up and would definitely arrive within five minutes.

After ending the call with Zhang Ting, Leng Su immediately looked at a room on the third floor.

Zhang Ting's sudden departure, sudden call, and sudden invitation to her to participate in a Hollywood blockbuster, she didn't think all of this was a coincidence.

Leng Yan wanted to avoid her, so Leng Su naturally didn't rush to catch up.

In her opinion, yesterday's elevator incident, last night's thunderstorm incident, and this morning's fall incident were enough for her to linger in Leng Yan's heart for a while.

Now that he wanted to avoid her, she might as well go with the flow and go find that outsider Ji Mengmeng to play.

Zhang Ting arrived.

After Leng Su finished her breakfast in a few bites, she handed her luggage to Zhang Ting and followed him.

In front of a French window on the third floor, a tall figure stood behind the curtain and silently watched her and Zhang Ting get in the car and leave.

A certain crew.

Looking at Leng Su's live audition, watching her every word and action, every frown and smile, every anger and anger, Zhang Ting, as a manager, was stunned.

I haven't seen Leng Su filming for just two or three months. How come her acting skills have improved so much?

Before, she was still immature and bound by the rules and regulations taught in school, and couldn't break out of that kind of restraint.

But when we met again, although her acting skills were not as standardized as those taught in school, her emotions were richer.

Her expressions were more vivid and natural, and her eyes were full of emotions.

Maybe many of her movements and expressions were not as standardized as before, but they gave people a more infectious and immersive feeling.

So, what did she go through in the past two or three months? ? ?

Isn't she a rational vase?

Didn't she say that she would not act unless she was the most beautiful?

Has she been secretly learning acting skills during this period? ? ?

Not only Zhang Ting was shocked.

Even the big director who auditioned Leng Su was shocked.

The reason why he agreed to give Leng Su an audition opportunity was mainly because he owed Leng Yan a favor.

Leng Yan personally spoke up and said that he had an actress in his hand and asked him to give her a chance.

Before Leng Su came for the audition, the big director went to see the drama she had acted in before.

To be honest, Leng Su's appearance is really amazing.

But at the same time, her acting skills are really... a bit hard to describe.

She is immature, really too immature.

It's totally fine for her to act in idol dramas and youth campus dramas, and it can even be said that she is acting in her true colors.

But if she is asked to act in his science fiction drama, and to act as a femme fatale, it will ruin his reputation.

The big director is in a dilemma, and even secretly thought about whether to delete the role of this femme fatale...


Oh my god, I really don't want to write, it's so painful, sob (╥╯^╰╥)

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Alana] [Arcobaleno] [empty] for your support, mua (づ ̄3 ̄) づ╭~

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