Luo Feng’s scarf is trending!

With lightning speed, it quickly jumped to the top of the search rankings!

# Luo Feng, a popular young meat, was hospitalized due to kidney deficiency while serving his financial lord! ! ! #

An extremely eye-catching title, coupled with the fact that the idol drama was being serialized, Luo Feng was in the limelight for a while.

After the news came out, the first reaction of Luo Feng's fans was disbelief.

The second reaction was to attack the person who broke the news, trying to curse him and force him to apologize to Luo Feng.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they clicked on this No. 1 hot search, they were frightened by the hospital certificate inside.

That is true……

Luo Feng's name is also real, the photos of Luo Feng being hospitalized are also real, the medicine Luo Feng took, the ward number where Luo Feng lived, the date Luo Feng was hospitalized...

All the evidence proves the authenticity of this revelation.

There was a crack in the fans' unwavering hearts, but they soon comforted themselves.

"This must be a forgery! Someone must have photoshopped it on purpose!"

"Someone must be jealous of our recent popularity of Luoluo and want to destroy him!"

"Let me tell you, we firmly believe that Luo Luo is innocent, and we are waiting for you rumormongers to be slapped in the face!"

While fans defended Luo Feng, they also posted on Luofeng's Weibo, Luo Feng's agency's Weibo, and Luo Feng's official fan club's Weibo, trying to get Luo Feng or the agency to come forward to prove Luo Feng's innocence.

Some fans contacted Luo Feng via private messages, contacted Luo Feng's official fan club, and contacted Luo Feng's agency, trying to get them to hire a lawyer and produce a lawyer's letter to sue the whistleblower for "defamation."

Driven by those who are interested in the secret, and unintentionally pushed by Luo Feng's fans, this revelation about Luo Feng's kidney failure due to serving his financial lord has long occupied the top spot in the trending searches for scarves, and it has not been down for a long time...

A certain ward in the hospital.



"Are you all trash?"

"Why is this news happening?"

"Why do you let this kind of slanderous news reach the top of the search rankings?"

"Does the company invite you back just to eat shit?"

Luo Feng rested for a few days, finally regaining some color, and his face turned blue and white with anger.

He couldn't figure out who was messing with him...

He is a low-key person. Although he became famous overnight, he has always been humble and has never offended anyone.

He had entered this circle not long ago and knew only a handful of people. He had no idea who was behind him! ! !

Luo Feng trembled with anger when he thought of the netizen's message under the breaking news post and the strange looks that the doctors and nurses had given him in the past few days.

He grabbed the clothes of the agent next to him, held on tightly, and questioned the other person with gritted teeth.

"Have you contacted the company?"

"What did the company say?"

"Have you hired a lawyer to send a lawyer's letter suing the other party for defamation?"

"Let me ask you a question? Are you deaf or mute?"

Seeing Luo Feng losing his composure, the manager couldn't adapt to his sudden loss of control. He was stunned for a while before he realized what he was doing.

"Luo Feng, calm down first."

"I have contacted the company, and they said they are already thinking of a solution and will resolve it as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, all you need to do now is have a good rest."

"The Internet is already in turmoil. It's useless for you to worry." The agent tried to comfort Luo Feng.

Luo Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he learned that the agency said it was already working on a solution.


【Daily request for tickets】

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] for the little fairy’s reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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