Mother Ji is very frank...

Although as she said, she is not as loving and caring as other mothers.

They had been separated for many years, and if she was that kind of loving mother, she would have hugged her and cried.

But the strange thing is that Ji's mother Leng Su actually likes this kind of person.

Because she seems to be a very sober person.

A sober person shouldn't be confused.

You shouldn't be able to tell who is the enemy and who is the daughter just because you have raised Ji Mengmeng for more than 20 years.

After Ji's mother admitted her mistake, she stopped talking, and Leng Su didn't ask.

The two ate the sumptuous dinner in silence.

After finishing the meal, Ji's mother's eyes returned to Leng Su again. She looked at her and asked, "Are you willing to go home?"

Leng Su looked at her without saying a word.

"It's just your home and mine." Ji's mother said.

"I am getting older. Even if I am indifferent to family affection, I still hope that there will be someone by my side."

"I hope that someone will know and take care of me when I am sick, hungry and uncomfortable."

"Leng Yan bought the villa opposite your house."

Leng Su didn't say he was willing, let alone unwilling, but said something specious.

But Ji's mother understood what she meant.

Before leaving, she handed a thick cowhide bag beside her to Leng Su.

"Don't refuse in a hurry. If you don't want it, you can keep it for me temporarily."

"You are protected by Leng Yan. It is much safer to leave these things here than with me."

Hearing this, Leng Su stopped what he was doing.

Ji's mother left, and Leng Su's eyes stayed on the cowhide bag in his hand for a long time.

In the end, she didn't open it, but took it to the car waiting for the banquet.

Leng Yan casually glanced at the cowhide bag in her hand, his expression unchanged: "Where are you going?"

"Go to the wholesale market."

Leng Su brought Leng Yan to the wholesale market and without saying a word, bought a bunch of stationery, extracurricular books, clothes, pants, snacks, etc.

She buys a lot of miscellaneous things, almost buying whatever she sees.

She had no idea how much she spent, and it wasn't until she maxed out her card that the shopping spree was forced to end.

Seeing that she was still unfinished, Leng Yan handed her his card without saying a word.

Leng Su smiled and shook her head in refusal. She said, "That's enough."

I bought so much stuff that the trunk of the banquet car couldn't fit in it at all.

They had no choice but to hire a truck and follow them to the orphanage.

Leng Su grew up in an orphanage in the imperial capital, and this time she was filming in the magical capital. The orphanage she came to was an orphanage in the magical capital.

She obviously didn't know anyone here, but she quickly integrated into the environment here.

She quickly got together with the children and distributed the gifts she brought to them one by one.

She would laugh along with the happy smiles on her children's faces.

She would play hide-and-seek with them, play eagle and chicken together, and sing and dance for the children to watch and listen to.

She will teach the children to write, teach them to pronounce English words, teach them to draw, and teach them to dance.

She had a great time playing, and in just half a day, she completely integrated into it.

When she left in the evening, the scene when she and her children were reluctant to say goodbye looked like people they had known for many years...

"Sister Susu, will you come to see us again in the future?"

"Sister Susu, Xiaobao will miss you and miss you very much."

"Sister Susu, Yu'er can't bear to leave you."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [187****32] for the reward and support from the two little fairies, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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