"And your unique love."

"Leng Yan, I feel like I really like you." Leng Su said.

Leng Yan's heart skipped a beat.

"I don't deny that when we first met, I had a crush on you because of your appearance and wanted to stay with you forever."

"But as we got along, until recently, I found that when I stayed with you, the time I spent staring at your face became shorter and shorter, and the times became less and less..."

Leng Yan subconsciously recalled that this seemed to be the case.

In the past, although she often contacted him and cared about him, her focus always seemed to be on his face.

But recently, although she was no longer so attentive and courteous to him, she no longer seemed to only care about his face.

She began to discover other good things about him.

When she stayed with him, she no longer only cared about appearance and figure.

They communicated more and she learned to talk to him.

"Do you know why I care so much about appearance?" Leng Su suddenly asked.

When Leng Yan came back to his senses, he looked at her face in a daze for a while, then shook his head.

he does not know.

"Because I have been good-looking since I was a child."

"When I was a child in the orphanage, the mother who was the director would pay more attention to me because I was good-looking."

"The uncles and aunts who come to see us will also treat me better because I'm good-looking."

"Sometimes you give me more snacks, and sometimes you buy me small gifts alone, such as beautiful hairpins and hairpins."

"Because I'm good-looking, the kids around me who are my age won't bully me."

"They won't take my food, my clothes, my hairpins and hairpins."

"And those crybabies who are ugly or useless will be bullied."

"So, I have been particularly concerned about my appearance since I was a child."

"Because I know it's my weapon."

"With it, I am luckier than many people, and I can live a better life."

As Leng Su narrated, those scenes appeared in Leng Yan's mind unconsciously.

Where there are many children, there will always be a lot of conflicts and frictions, which are inevitable.

Not to mention the orphanage, even brothers and sisters with the same father and mother would have all kinds of friction and conflicts when they were young.

Leng Su didn't do anything wrong. She was just luckier than many people. She was just a little mature and sensible a little earlier.

Because living in such an environment, she had to learn how to survive and how to strive for better living conditions for herself at a very young age.

It was life that forced her to be like this.

She may not be a good person, but she's not a bad person either.

Actually, it's good for her to be like this.

He likes her very much...

[Congratulations, Leng Yan's favorability value has increased by 5 points, and the current total favorability value is 95 points. 】

The thought of liking flashed through Leng Yan's mind, and he was shocked.

The strange feelings these days seem to have an explanation.

There seemed to be an explanation for what he was doing these days, as well as his uncontrollable gaze and attention.

It turned out that without realizing it, he had hidden her in his heart.

After realizing his feelings for Leng Su, Leng Yan did not panic.

More of a relief...

After thinking about it, he did not escape, but honestly and calmly accepted his love for Leng Su.

Thinking that he would live with her day and night from now on, a faint sense of satisfaction emerged uncontrollably in his heart.

PS: [Daily request for votes]

The fourth update is over, good night, okay.

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] little angel for your reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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