Just when the two were in a state of confusion, Xiao Jie suddenly rushed in.

He raised his fist and smashed it towards Ji Yu's face...

"Bang, bang, bang!"



The sound of fists hitting each other, the sound of violent collisions, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and the sound of things breaking were chaotically intertwined.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting."

"Xiao Jie, stop it, don't hit your brother anymore."

"Woo woo woo..."

Xiao Jie was sober, and the drunk Ji Yu was no match for him at all. Ji Yu was soon knocked unconscious.

Ji Mengmeng tried to hug Ji Yu, but was angrily carried by Xiao Jie and thrown on the bed.

After that, it was naturally a melee between men and women!

After tasting the marrow, Xiao Jie put on his clothes and pants and left contentedly.

Ji Mengmeng was shaking all over, pulling her clothes. She looked at Ji Yu lying on the ground, and a strong hatred appeared in her eyes.

It was the next day when Ji Yu woke up.

He found himself lying on the ground, with a headache and a split brain, and he was very weak.

The room was in a mess, clothes were scattered all over the floor, and all kinds of cups, table lamps, etc. were smashed into countless pieces.

Ji Mengmeng was hiding in the corner, curled up and trembling constantly.

"Mengmeng, what's wrong with you?" Ji Yu asked.

The scenes of last night appeared in his mind, making him feel uncertain.

Ji Mengmeng cried and did not answer his questions.

Ji Yu endured the pain in his body, barely stood up, and walked towards Ji Mengmeng step by step.

Just when he reached out and touched Ji Mengmeng, Ji Mengmeng suddenly went crazy and waved his hand away vigorously.

"Get out, all of you get out!"

"Don't touch me, if anyone touches me, I will die now!"

Maybe because he had been lying on the ground all night, Ji Yu sat down on the ground after being pushed so hard by Ji Mengmeng.

He looked at Ji Mengmeng in front of him with a sad face: "Mengmeng, I am your brother."

Ji Mengmeng's body trembled several times again. She slowly raised her head and stared at Ji Yu for a long time with red eyes.

Finally, she suddenly fell into Ji Yu's arms and hugged Ji Yu's waist tightly.

"Wuwuwu, brother, brother, Mengmeng is so scared..."

"Mengmeng is not afraid, Mengmeng is good, don't worry, I am here, I will definitely help you get revenge."

Obviously, Ji Yu had remembered everything at this moment.

The kiss of Ji Mengmeng after he was drunk last night, Xiao Jie's sudden arrival, and everything in the room now and Ji Mengmeng's loss of composure, all proved what happened after he was knocked unconscious by Xiao Jie.

When Ji Mengmeng heard that Ji Yu wanted to help her get revenge, her sobbing voice stopped.

She held Ji Yu's hand tightly and whispered, "Brother, can you go back to the Ji family?"

"Brother, you are my only son. As long as you go back to the Ji family, I will definitely forgive you."

"Brother, Xiao Jie has the Xiao family behind him. Now that we are driven out of the Ji family, we can't fight him at all."

"Brother, I hate Xiao Jie, I hate him!"

"Brother, go back to the Ji family, take the Ji family back, and then help me get revenge on Xiao Jie, okay?"

Ji Mengmeng hugged Ji Yu tightly and kept begging him to apologize to Ji's mother and take back everything in the Ji family.

When saying these words, Ji Mengmeng's mind kept emerging with Leng Su, who she had seen on the Internet these days...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you for the rewards and support from the two little angels [Lan Xuemu] and [§ Sakurai Liya], mua mua (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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