The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 2859 Ming Yuan VS Qinglian God Lord

The two men looked at each other with unclear expressions, but strangely, they had a tacit understanding and didn't say anything.

Facing Leng Su's resistance, the male immortal in white felt disappointed, but his face didn't change much.

He looked at Leng Su tenderly and said, "Su Su, ten thousand years no see, have you really forgotten all about me?"

Leng Su: "..."

An ominous premonition came over me.

Seeing Qinglian's eyes fixed on Leng Su, Mingyuan's eyes dimmed and he took the initiative to reveal Qinglian's identity.

"This is the Qinglian Divine Lord of the Immortal Realm."

"Qinglian Divine Lord?" Leng Su was stunned.

For some reason, she always felt that this title sounded familiar to her.

No, not only is the title familiar, but also the appearance of the Qinglian Divine Lord.

The gentle tone when he spoke, as well as his overall temperament, cultivation, spiritual power...

All in all, this Qinglian God Lord seems familiar to her, but she just can't remember it.

However, familiarity is familiar, and Leng Su can at least be sure that she has no feelings for this Qinglian God.

But the other party looked at her with a burning gaze...

"I've met Lord Shenjun, kid." Leng Su greeted him with a polite salute.

Qinglian subconsciously stretched out her hand to help her, but was stopped by Ming Yuan's sudden hand.

The two men's eyes collided in mid-air again.

"Qinglian Shenjun, please don't forget the agreement between us."

Qinglian: "..."

Seeing that the two of them kept playing riddles, Leng Su was not interested in playing with them anymore, nor was he interested in knowing what they were doing.

Now she just wants to quickly enter the mission world to find her man.

"You old man, why did you come back to me?" Leng Su asked with a frown.

"The mission has changed." Ming Yuan said.

"What change?" Leng Su asked.

"You will naturally know by then." Ming Yuan pretended.

Leng Su: "..." Are you a devil? ? ?

Since there is no change, why bring her back?

Is it fun to dump her?

Leng Su was so angry that he attacked Ming Yuan without saying a word.

Ming Yuan: "..."

"Bang bang bang!"

"Don't think you can bully me just because I can't beat you."

"Ming Yuan, let me tell you, my aunt is not easy to offend either!!!"

Leng Su shouted angrily while launching an attack crazily.

Looking at the stunning female ghost who suddenly went crazy in front of him, Ming Yuan couldn't help but have a look of helplessness on his face.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but it's useless if he does.

Regardless of whether he said it or not, she would lose her memory and forget everything after entering the mission world.

So, what’s the difference between saying it and not saying it? ? ?

Leng Su said, so what’s the difference between you looking for me to come back and not looking for me to come back?

"Susu, don't fight."

Just as Leng Su exploded into an angry little universe, a cold and gentle male voice sounded.

Miraculously, the other person's voice flowed through her heart like a gentle stream of water.

In an instant, the angry flames in Leng Su's heart were extinguished.

Her attack stopped, and Ming Yuan also stopped.

The two of them both looked back at Qinglian, who was walking towards them, with complicated expressions on their faces.

Leng Su felt that her familiarity with the Qinglian Divine Lord was getting stronger and stronger.

And for some reason, the other person seemed to understand her very well and was very good at comforting and caring for her.

As an insider, Ming Yuan looked at Qinglian with very complicated eyes, including envy, jealousy and hatred, a hint of apology, and of course a very strong jealousy...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

The fourth update is over, good night, okay?

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] little angel for your reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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