After the car's warning lights turned on, Leng Su turned pale and clutched his chest.

Depend on!

Tough luck, really tough luck.

She came at the wrong time.

This body had accidentally ingested poison three months ago due to the calculations of Qin Shuo and Leng Ruo.

In the past three months, Qin Shuo and Leng Ruo had never broken up with her in order to make her deeply addicted to drugs.

It wasn't until today that Qin Shuo broke up with her.

Until today, under Leng Ruo's deliberate calculation, she broke through the betrayal and adultery between the two people.

Leng Su gritted his teeth and endured the desire and impulse that exploded in his body.

The blood slid down her red lips, making her pale face look particularly beautiful and attractive.

The body was shaking, shivering, and twitching.

With his brain in confusion, Leng Su pinched his hands tightly, his nails sinking deeply into the soft flesh of his palms.

The pain stimulated her brain, allowing her to barely maintain her last shred of sanity.

Before Leng Su fell into coma, he relied on his last shred of reason to dial the number of a person buried deep in his memory.

"help me……"

After the call was connected, she only had time to give her address and tell the other party not to take her to the hospital.

When Yan Run arrived, Leng Su had already passed out.

The car door was locked tightly, and he could only find someone to force it open.

Looking at Leng Su who was unconscious in the driver's seat and then at where the car was parked, Yan Run couldn't help but frown.

He and Leng Su hadn't seen each other for many years, and he knew a little bit about Leng Su's situation.

At the beginning, he also secretly reminded Leng Su, but he couldn't stand the stupidity of this girl.

Not only did she not understand his hint, she also kept saying good things about Leng Cheng's family in front of him.

As time went by, he had few opportunities to see her because of his busy work schedule.

She didn't come to see him much because of the instigation of his family, but she didn't expect that the scene would be like this when they met again.

He unbuckled his seat belt and carefully held her in his arms. The unfamiliar breath and temperature made Yan Run feel slightly uncomfortable.

After leaving his assistant to arrange Leng Su's car, Yan Run subconsciously wanted to take Leng Su to the hospital.

As a result, when the words came to his lips, he suddenly remembered what Leng Su said on the phone just now...

For some reason, looking at her pale face, his heart was beating rapidly, and an ominous premonition surrounded his heart.

When Leng Su woke up again, he was at Yan Run's home.

Spacious three bedrooms and one living room, decorated in European style, focusing on simple black and white tones.

The furnishings in the room are simple but tasteful.

The room was empty, she was lying on the bed, covered with a thin quilt.

Lift up the quilt, get out of bed, and leave the room.

There were some subtle noises coming from the kitchen. Leng Su followed the sound and saw Yan Run, wearing a white shirt and suit pants, cooking porridge seriously.

"Uncle Yan." Leng Su shouted softly.

Yan Run turned around and looked at her with a complicated look: "Go sit in the living room, the porridge will be ready soon."

"Thank you, Uncle Yan."

As Yan Run said, Leng Su came out with porridge within two minutes of sitting down.

White porridge and a few simple appetizers.

"The doctor said you have a bad stomach and asked you to drink some porridge to nourish your stomach when you wake up."

Upon hearing the word "doctor", Leng Su's hands trembled, and Yan Run calmly took her reaction into his eyes. His eyes dimmed, but he didn't point it out immediately.

He sat down opposite her and ate together: "Let's eat first and talk about it after we finish."

"...Yeah." Leng Su responded softly.


The new dimension is a bit stuck, so the update is unstable, I'm really sorry.

【Daily request for tickets】

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] [Alana] [Zi Ling] and the three little angels for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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