"Susu, I don't mean anything else. I just want to explain to you face to face... and then see if you are okay."

"You have been missing for several days. I have been thinking about you these days. I was afraid that you would not have enough to eat or wear, or that you would hide and cry secretly."

"Susu, I'm sorry..."

I have to say that Qin Shuo's ability to seduce women is really quite high.

"I...I'll wait for you in the backstreet of the bar." Leng Su said after pretending to hesitate for a moment.

After saying that, she hurriedly hung up the phone without giving Qin Shuo a chance to react.

On the other end of the phone, Qin Shuo looked at the interrupted call with an unclear expression on his face.

He hesitated for a moment, but finally called Leng Ruo and told her to come over.

"Okay, I'll be there soon. Ashuo, you must stop her and don't let her run away."

"Well, don't worry, I know how to do it."

After ending the call with Leng Ruo, Qin Shuo quickly got up and left the box, heading towards the destination Leng Su had mentioned.

In the dark back streets and alleys.

Qin Shuo arrived and looked around but didn't see Leng Su.

He frowned, something flashed across his eyes quickly, and it was fleeting.

He calmed down his emotions in time and looked around with a worried look.

"Susu? Susu, where are you?"

"Susu, I'm Ashuo."

At the corner, Qin Shuo turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone and looked for Leng Su's figure.

Unexpectedly, a sack fell from the sky and covered his upper body.


"Bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"


"Who, who?"

"Susu, is that you?"

While Qin Shuo endured the punches and kicks that fell on him like a storm, he had to force himself to calm down and think about how to get out of the current dangerous situation.

"Susu, I know you hate me and hate me. If a beating on me can calm you down, I'm willing to let you do it."

The more Qin Shuo spoke, the harder Leng Su pushed.

Feeling the pain radiating from everywhere on his body, and feeling the increasingly crazy punches and kicks, Qin Shuo trembled with anger, but had to hold back.

He gritted his teeth and endured, his dark eyes filled with resentment, but his words were as gentle as possible.

"Susu, I was drugged that day."

"I was plotted against someone when I was playing in a bar. I went to Leng's house to find you..."

"But I was already unconscious when I arrived, and later I had no idea what happened..."

"Susu, you have to believe me, I really like you and love you."


Leng Su directly knocked the person unconscious with a stick.

Qin Shuo had just passed out on his front legs, and Leng Su sat on the ground weakly on his back legs.

Her face was pale, and she looked at Qin Shuo in front of her with a complex expression, looking like she was lost.

"Go home." Yan Run said.

Leng Su looked up at him and opened his hands silently.

When Yan Run saw this, he was stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly.

After a brief pause, he bent down and picked her up.

As the delicate body came into his arms and he felt the slightly trembling body in his arms, Yan Run realized something was wrong.

He pursed his thin lips slightly and said nothing. Instead, he silently tightened the hand holding Leng Su and strode forward.

Yan Run tried to put her in the back seat of the car, but Leng Su held on to his hand tightly.

In the dim night, a strange light bloomed in the girl's dark eyes.

Yan Run frowned and looked at her hand, but Leng Su never let go of him.

"Yan, Uncle Yan...I, I'm so, so uncomfortable..."

"Help, help me..."

PS: [Daily request for votes]

Thank you [Zi Ling] little angel for your reward and support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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