"I'm fine, I just have a headache."

Looking at Yan Run's worried face, Leng Su shook his head and said.

"Is everything okay?" Yan Run was still worried.

"It's really okay." Leng Su said.

Even though this was the case, Yan Run was still worried, so he still called the family doctor while holding her, and told him to come over and take a look at her.

From the beginning to the end, Huo Yu stood aside silently, silently watching the interaction between Leng Su and Yan Run.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that the two of them look really good...

"What's up with her?"

Seeing that Leng Su's condition was getting better and he was resting in Yan Run's arms with his eyes closed, Huo Yu couldn't help but ask.

Yan Run glanced at him, pursed her thin lips slightly, and after a moment of silence, finally confessed.

"It was Leng Cheng who did it. She asked her daughter to join forces with Qin Shuo to secretly drug Su Su..."

"Medicine?" Huo Yu was stunned.

"It's the latest type of drug." Yan Run said with an ugly face.

Hearing this, Huo Yu's face also darkened on the spot.

"I'm going to kill them!"

With that said, Huo Yu walked out of the villa.

When Yan Run saw this, he stared at Huo Yu with a dark expression on his face and spoke hurriedly.

"Huo Yu, stop!"

Facing Yan Run's call, Huo Yu completely turned a deaf ear.

"Huo Yu, come back!"

"What can you do now? Do you have evidence to prove that they did it?"

"Have you ever thought about how old Susu is now? Not only can you not solve the problem or avenge her, but you will only make the matter bigger and bigger."

"When the whole world knows that Su Su is addicted to drugs, how will she meet people? How will she face the strange looks from the outside world?"

As soon as Yan Run said these words, Huo Yu suddenly stopped in his stride to leave.

Seeing this, Yan Run breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

"Susu will soon become an adult and inherit everything from the Leng family."

"Whether she wants to take over the Leng Group is her business and her own choice."

"But if her drug addiction is revealed at this time, even if she inherits everything from the Leng family and becomes the largest shareholder of the Leng Group, she will not be able to successfully manage the Leng Group."

"One is whether she wants it or she is forced to give up. Which one do you think is best for her?"

Huo Yu loosened his grip on the doorknob.

"Huo Yu, you are not the only one who will be angry for her, and you are not the only one who is willing to avenge her."

"We can't just act on our own whims."

"Revenge is okay, but the prerequisite is that Susu cannot be harmed."

Having said this, Yan Run lowered his head and looked lovingly at the girl with slightly closed eyes in his arms.

"Her recent attacks have become less and less frequent. As long as she tolerates it longer, she will be able to quit successfully soon."

"I have been watching over her for the past month, and no one knows better than me how much effort she has put into this and how much pain she has endured."

"In a few days, she will be an adult, and she can legitimately take back everything that belongs to her."

"If you really want to help her, there is nothing you can do..." Yan Run said.

Hearing this, Huo Yu's stiff body moved.

He turned around and stared at Yan Run, their eyes facing each other. The two men's eyes intertwined like a silent battle.

The two looked at each other for a long time and were silent for a long time. In the end, Huo Yu couldn't hold it in any longer and took the initiative to admit defeat and speak.

"any solution?"


【Daily request for tickets】

The fourth update is over, good night, okay?

Thank you [Life is cool] little fairy for your reward and support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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