Just when Leng Su was thinking about how to refuse again, Yan Run on the side spoke up.

"Su Su, Huo Yu gave you your birthday gift yesterday."

"As for this bracelet, it must have been given to you by Aunt Huo. But Aunt Huo and Huo Yu are a family after all. Since you have accepted Huo Yu's gift, you can't accept Aunt Huo's again."

When Yan Run said this, Huo Yu's expression was obviously stiff, but Leng Su secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Yan Run walking to the side with Leng Su, Huo Yu subconsciously wanted to follow, but Leng Ruo grabbed his arm in time and held it tightly and refused to let go.

Huo Yu glared at her with a dark face: "Let go!"

"No, Brother Huo, I won't let you go."

"Brother Huo, I really like you, please don't leave me, okay?"

"Sister Su Su already has Yan Run, she won't like you, only I really like you and love you."

Looking at Leng Ruo pretending to cry, Huo Yu was disgusted as much as he could.

Moreover, Yan Run had already got what he wanted, so he naturally didn't need to wrong himself and indulge Leng Ruo's approach to him.

Thinking of this, Huo Yu directly shook off Leng Ruo's hand.

In Leng Ruo's desperate and unbelievable eyes, he threatened: "Don't get close to me again, otherwise I think you don't want to know what the end is."

"Brother Huo, why do you treat me like this?" Leng Ruo said in disbelief.

"What did I do to you?" Huo Yu asked back.

From the beginning, he never took the initiative to approach Leng Ruo.

It was Leng Ruo who saw him as if he saw the God of Wealth, eagerly chasing him, and had to pester him.

"Leng Ruo, God is watching what people do."

After leaving this sentence, Huo Yu turned around and left.

Looking at his back chasing Leng Su away, Leng Ruo was so angry that he trembled all over.

"What I can't get, no one can get!"

Thinking of this, Leng Ruo clenched the bag in his hand, retreated quietly, and stayed away from the crowd.

Just when Leng Ruo contacted someone to expose Leng Su.

At the banquet, a group of wealthy families in Lancheng found that today's banquet seemed different? ? ?

The people who came seemed to be not just the wealthy families of Lancheng?

"Hey, isn't that the Huo family from the imperial capital?"

"That's the Jiang family from the imperial capital."

"And the Liu family from the Magic City."

"The Xiao family from the ancient capital."

"The Zhao family from Jiangdu..."

"Am I dazzled? How come so many big shots came to the coming-of-age ceremony of that little girl from the Leng family?"

"Yeah, what's going on?"

In the center of the banquet, accompanied by Yan Run, Leng Su's face was more and more surprised as she watched these wealthy families appear in an endless stream.

She looked at Huo Yu and Yan Run beside her, but found that Huo Yu, like her, had a suspicious look on his face.

Yan Run, however, grabbed her hand, smiled at her, and comforted her.

"Uncle Yan, this..."

"Don't you want to know my identity?"

Hearing this, Leng Su was stunned at first, and after reacting, her mouth opened slightly, with a look of surprise on her face.

Obviously, although she had already guessed that Yan Run's identity was not ordinary, she still had never thought that Yan Run would invite so many bigwigs...

At a glance, if her memory was correct, the people present today seemed to be the top bigwigs in the entire Z country.

There are bigwigs in the real estate industry, bigwigs in the Internet industry, bigwigs in the food industry, and bigwigs in the high-end luxury goods industry, etc.


PS: [Daily vote request]

Thank you [Lan Xuemu] for the little fairy's reward support, mua mua (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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