The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 612 Divine Beast Phoenix VS “God-Level” Summoner (23)

This is a world where spring is bright, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant...

In front of their eyes, flowers bloomed in full bloom, and their noses were filled with fresh and natural floral fragrances.

There are many varieties of flowers, and the floral fragrances are even more diverse, but strangely, these fragrances are very harmonious...

Leng Su clearly felt that every time she took a breath, she smelled a different kind of floral fragrance.

In front of me, birds kept flying back and forth, making chirping but melodic calls.

Looking at all this, Leng Su couldn't help but sigh.

If she hadn't known that this was a world created by the gods for the demigods, she would have almost thought that this was the legendary world of gods.

Everything in front of me is so beautiful!

The beauty is breathtaking!

But the old man on the side seemed to have seen through Leng Su's thoughts, and suddenly said: "There is no beauty in illusion in the divine world."

Hearing this, Leng Su raised his eyebrows and asked, "Call this small world an illusion?"

"Well, the fantasy world and the fantasy beasts can be regarded as the grace of the people of the God Realm to my fantasy beast clan." The old man said with emotion.

Hearing this, he suddenly looked at the old man beside him and couldn't help but ask him a question.

"Have you, the fantasy beast clan, ever regretted your original choice?"

When he heard Leng Su's question, the old man was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and laughed.

"No, there's nothing to regret."

"Although, by becoming a demigod beast, we, the phantom beast clan, have indeed lost something."

"But by the same token, at least we survived by becoming demigods!"

Hearing this, Leng Su nodded in agreement.

After she transformed into the Fire Demon Mountain this time, she had some more inheritance belonging to the Phoenix clan in her mind.

Among them, the real reason behind the disappearance of the god-level summoner and a number of mythical beasts was surprisingly included.

[God-level summoner: referred to as "godman"! 】

[God-level monster: referred to as "divine beast"! 】

It was not death, but after these people and monsters broke through to the god-level realm, they suddenly discovered that the human world was restricting their construction.

The laws of heaven in the human world do not allow existences above the god level to appear!

In order to seek breakthroughs and eternal life, these gods and beasts began to look for ways.

After thousands of years of hard work and the sacrifice of countless gods, humans and beasts, they finally found a space different from the human world.

It is said that after these gods, humans and beasts went to that world, they found that the shackles of cultivation that had been pressing on them suddenly disappeared.

There are even some gods, humans and beasts who treat their cultivation as a breakthrough and enter a new stage as soon as they enter that world.

After discovering the existence of this world, the gods, humans, and beasts in the human world began to migrate and leave collectively.

However, after they left, they also left clues to the humans of this world.

Once humans and magical beasts break through the holy level and become gods and divine beasts, they can receive summons and guidance from the fantasy beast clan.

Finally, he successfully left the human world and headed to the divine world.

Speaking of which, we have to talk about the fantasy beast clan.

Before becoming demigod beasts, the fantasy beasts were just ordinary low-level monsters. Through training, they can become intermediate monsters, high-level monsters, or even higher!

However, the fantasy beast clan has a fatal problem, that is, their lifespan is extremely short, only twenty years...

Generally speaking, the normal life span of Warcraft is about 500 years old, and the life span of humans is about 100 years old.

However, the lifespan of the fantasy beast clan is shorter than that of the human clan!

It is inherently more difficult for Warcraft to cultivate than humans, and it takes more time than humans...

PS: [Daily request for votes]

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