At this time, in the hospital, Leng Su was lying on the bed aggrievedly.

She found that this ghost mission was getting more and more difficult.

At the beginning, she could still use her spiritual powers.

Now, as long as she is not in a special plane, her spiritual power cannot be used.

[Special planes: refers to those planes with non-modern technology, such as immortality, vampires, magic, fighting spirit, ancient internal power, etc. (In the special plane, Leng Su’s spiritual power can be turned into other energy for use, such as internal power, magic, fighting spirit, etc.)]

Thinking about it tonight, didn't she just use some spiritual power to imprison Su Mo so that she couldn't let go of her hair before the dormitory aunt and everyone arrived.

As a result, after being discovered by the Heavenly Dao of this world, it could not touch Leng Su, so it had no choice but to operate on Su Mo!

Yes, Su Mo's wrestling was a masterpiece of heaven.

As for the innocence of the dormitory aunt being implicated, that was purely Su Mo's subconscious reaction at the moment she fell.

When people encounter danger, they will subconsciously avoid it.

As for Su Mo, when she fell, she subconsciously wanted to grab something to keep herself from falling.

As a result, the dormitory aunt suffered a disaster!

However, what makes Leng Su most angry is!

Because Tiandao's target was her, they obviously rolled down the second floor together.

In the end, both Su Mo and the dormitory aunt were fine, but she was the only one with a concussion? ? ?

Just thinking about it makes me so angry that my liver hurts and my lungs hurt! ! !

[…Remember, don’t use spiritual power in the human world from now on! 】

Just when Leng Su was depressed, Ming Yuan's voice suddenly came, with a hint of concern and a hint of hesitation.

The moment Ming Yuan appeared, Leng Su wanted to continue to choke him.

But after hearing Ming Yuan's caring words, she curled her lips and took back the "old man" that had already reached her lips.

"Mingyuan, why do you appear and disappear all day long? Why do I remember that when I was in the underworld, you seemed to be very leisurely?"

[...While you are expelling outsiders, I need to repair those cracks in time and space. 】

"Oh..." Leng Su said meaningfully, "You should have a lot of leisure time repairing the cracks in time and space. Why don't you talk to me and share your feelings?"


Faced with someone's silence, Leng Su curled his lips and complained: "It's boring!"

A long time passed, and just when Leng Su thought that Ming Yuan had already left, someone spoke again.

[Yue Lao is here. 】

"What did he tell you again? Has the mission changed again? Or do I no longer have to do the mission? Can I go back to the underworld?"

As soon as he mentioned not doing the task, Leng Su immediately became energetic.

Ming Yuan's face darkened suddenly, and his thin lips tightened into a straight line.

[Yue Lao said your Red Luan star has moved! 】




Leng Su was silent for three seconds, then blinked and asked, "That's it?"

【Um. 】

Hearing this, Leng Su said nonchalantly: "As a single dog that has been single for ten thousand years, isn't it normal for the Hongluan star to move?"

"But I'm surprised. Aren't I just an ordinary female ghost? Why, a busy man like Mr. Yue would still pay attention to whether I see the red Luan star moving?"

Facing her inquiry, Ming Yuan did not answer the question.

【Who are you attracted to? 】

Hearing this, Leng Su smiled mischievously: "Old immortal, are you jealous?"


Facing Ming Yuan's silence, Leng Su had no intention of letting him go just like that! ! !

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