The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 800 Infatuated first love VS less funny than ghost (14)

So, for the next two days, Leng Su would eat a bowl of plain noodles after get off work every day, and then rush to the hospital to see the unconscious Cheng Fei.

Fortunately, the original owner's real estate work depends on performance.

The original owner has a hard-working temperament. In the past few years since she returned to China, she has been the most hard-working and the best-performing one in the entire store.

Therefore, when Leng Su suggested that she might take a few days off in the past two days, her supervisor did not stop her.

After just a few words of concern and asking if she needed help, she approved her vacation.

That night, Leng Su finally solved all the work on the musician's hands, and he can take half a month's annual leave starting tomorrow.

Yes, that’s right, half a month! ! !

For the original owner, Leng Su could already be said to be filled with admiration.

This girl is simply a desperate girl. She returned home alone soon after Leng's mother left.

For three years, this girl struggled to go to work even when she was sick.

Excluding those days when the company has a collective holiday and no overtime is allowed, the original owner is at work whenever he can work overtime or does not have a holiday.

Her vacation was either exchanged for overtime pay.

For some of them, the company did not allow them to be exchanged for overtime pay and could only accumulate vacation time, so she accumulated it like this.

I glanced at the time displayed on my phone. It was already past nine o'clock.

Leng Su quickly shut down the computer, picked up the bag on the table and hurried towards a bus stop.

Looking at Leng Su's hurried back, Cheng Fei couldn't help but feel sad.

"Smelly girl, please slow down and be careful."

"Hey, hey, there is a rock in front of you, please pay attention."

"Hey, oh, stinky girl, the bus is coming. Hurry up, or you'll be sad if you can't catch it in a while."

After watching Leng Su finally get on a certain bus after going through all kinds of hardships, Cheng Fei couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Leng Su sitting next to him, Cheng Fei couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, why are you so uneasy, girl?"

"Tell me about you. It's so late in the day, and you still have to go to the hospital to see me. Don't you think you're committing suicide?"

Leng Su: ... If you have the ability, put away that mean and proud smile of yours! ! !

After all, seeing the tiredness on Leng Su's face, Cheng Fei couldn't help but worry about her.

"Stinky girl, why don't you take good care of yourself?"

"You are twenty-seven years old, why do you think you are working so hard? Are you so unwilling to accept old age? Do not admit defeat? Why do you think you, an old man, are compared to others who are young?"

Leng Su:... Roll, roll, roll! ! !

Who is old? Who refuses to admit defeat?

Is twenty-seven old? Old? ? ?

"Stinky girl, why don't you go to the hospital today and see Mr. Ben? I think you are very tired. Look at the black and blue under your eyes. Otherwise, let's go home and rest. "

"Anyway, didn't you apply for half a month's leave to take care of me? Since we've already had half a month, we can't miss the half-hour today, right?"

"So, let's go home."

Leng Su: ...Narcissism is a disease and must be cured! ! !

When did your aunt say that this half-month vacation is used to take care of you? ? ?

"Oh, forget it, no matter what I say, you stinky girl can't hear it. I will keep it in my heart for your kindness to me, and I will make it up to you when I wake up!"

PS: Thank you [I'm pretending to be dead] [Fate] [The deep sea north of Liangcheng never sleeps] [Qinggexi shirt] [Momo's cat] [Qingcheng Piaowen] [Peach peach peach peach can't fall] 【Drowning Kiss】The rewards and support from the eight little fairies, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

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