The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 802: Infatuated first love VS less funny than ghosts (16)

As soon as Leng Su said these words, the headless ghost was obviously very excited. The steering wheel he was holding in his hand made a 360-degree turn without control.

"Squeak~Here~" The car body twisted left and right, telling everyone how excited the headless ghost was at this moment.

The big swing of the car made some people behind the car unable to hold back and became violent.

"Damn it, Headless Ghost, please take it easy, or I'll have to take care of you when I get back."

"I said to the little girl in front, you must stop talking. Otherwise, if the headless ghost gets excited again, we people will not die anymore, and then you will be dead and can't die anymore!" "

Leng Su: "!!!"

"I said you old woman, are you jealous? Isn't this little girl just caring about me? You said you are so jealous, and you said such harsh words, don't you know that I will always be in my heart? You are the only one!"

Leng Su: ...This confession is hard to guard against! ! !

"You idiot, you headless ghost. You don't even have a head or a face. Do you think I can like you? I'm a ghost who joined the Appearance Association!"

Leng Su: ...My sister is amazing!

"No, old woman, let me tell you, I'm missing my head. But I'm really not ugly. I think back then, I, the headless ghost, was also a handsome guy with a beautiful face and a handsome face."

"Seriously, old woman, just follow me. Then we will look for my head together. When you find my head, you can take my brother and me to show off in front of your sisters."

Leng Su: ...This operation 6666 refreshes your understanding.

"Screw you, this deal isn't a good deal at all. I won't be fooled by you."

"As for whether you are handsome or not, you can't prove it by just moving your lips. If you want me to be nice to you, I'd better wait until you find your head and let me see if you really look good. You have to be so handsome."

Leng Su: ...In this face-based world, even ghosts are not spared.

"Tch." The headless ghost curled his lips and stopped talking to the middle-aged female ghost.

While shaking the steering wheel with great effort, he talked to Leng Su: "This girl, look at your calm face, aren't you afraid of us?"

"Not afraid." Leng Su said.

My aunt was the one who dominated the underworld back then. With just four or five of you brats, it only takes a matter of minutes to deal with you.

Hearing this, the headless ghost turned the steering wheel in his hand several times, making a 180-degree turn, a 360-degree turn. The entire car body instantly broke off the ground and floated in mid-air.

"Are you afraid now?" the headless ghost asked again.

Leng Su: ...You are so naive! ! !

"Not afraid."

Hearing this, the headless ghost seemed to be at odds with Leng Su, and immediately turned the car upside down, with everyone's heads down and their feet up.

"Are you scared?" the headless ghost asked again.

Leng Su: ...Okay, you are the uncle, you have the final say.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, why not if I'm afraid!"

As soon as Leng Su said he was scared, the headless ghost immediately controlled the car body and returned to normal.

At this time, another cold snort came from behind: "Childish devil!"

"I said you old woman, you yourself had to let me drive. Now this car is in my hands, I can drive it however I want!"

"Old woman, I'm telling you. It's you who refuses to be nice to me. You are not my mother-in-law. If you call me childish again next time, believe it or not, I will settle the score with you!!!"


PS: Due to plot requirements, the number of passengers in the bus in front was changed from 9 to 4.

Xiaoxiao's articles are all written temporarily, so sometimes you may not be able to take into account the subsequent plot development. There will be slight changes in the front. I would like to say sorry to everyone, okay?

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