The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 813 Infatuated first love VS less funny than ghost (27)

While Cheng Fei was making noise, a strange woman walked up to Leng Su, suddenly grabbed her hand and threw her to the ground...

Leng Su staggered as he was pulled and almost fell down.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly enough and stabilized her body in time.

On the ground, the woman clutched Leng Su tightly with one hand and covered her slightly protruding belly with the other, wailing continuously.

"Oh, oh, my stomach hurts so much. Will something happen to my child?"

Leng Su frowned and looked up and down at the woman in front of him with his big eyes.

Unconsciously, she focused her spiritual power on her eyes, and only then did she realize that this woman was really pregnant.

Thinking of this, Leng Su unconsciously held the woman's wrist with his backhand and gently placed his two fingers on it.

Very normal happy pulse, fetal image is very stable, nothing wrong at all...

The normal pulse made Leng Su feel something was wrong. She pretended to squat down to help the woman while secretly looking at the expression on her face and eyes.

Her eyes were evasive, and although the features on her face were wrinkled, pretending to be in pain, there was actually no pain between her brows.

If the fetus was really moving, there would be at least a cold sweat on the forehead, but this eldest sister obviously had no reaction at all.

After looking around, Leng Su had basically determined that the woman in front of him was not even an amateur actress, and her acting skills were too poor.

"Doctors, nurses, please come and help. An aunt here fell down. She looks like she is in pain. I don't know if she gave birth prematurely because of the fetal movement."

"Should we send her to the operating area for a caesarean section first?"

As soon as Leng Su said these words, she could clearly feel the woman's hand tightening on hers, her whole body trembled, and a trace of nervousness and fear flashed quickly in her eyes.

She quickly grabbed Leng Su's hand, pinched her fingers deeply into her flesh, and said sharply: "No, don't touch me. I tell you, if anything happens to my child, I will never let him go." It’s yours.”

The doctors and nurses who had just walked over frowned and looked at her with displeasure.

"Ms., even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about the child in your belly. Your belly is seven or eight months old. You fell down just now. If you don't go for examination and treatment quickly, if you are in our We can’t afford anything to happen to the hospital.”

Facing the doctor's dissuasion, the aunt glared at him fiercely, and grabbed Leng Su harder and harder.

She turned to look at Leng Su and prayed: "Little girl, I'm okay, I really am okay."

"I just accidentally slipped. It's nothing serious. The baby in my belly is also fine. I wonder if you could trouble this little girl to help me and take me back to the ward?"

Leng Su was confused in her heart, but it didn't show on her face. She nodded slightly and said, "Okay."

But in fact, when Leng Su helped the woman to stand up, a burst of spiritual power directly penetrated the woman's painful acupuncture point.

In an instant, the woman's hand that was pinched deeply into her flesh retracted.

The next second, she clutched her stomach and started wailing...

"Ah ah ah, I hurt so much, it hurts so much. Doctors and nurses, please help me."

"I want to check my body, hurry up!!!"

Faced with this woman's sudden change of attitude, the doctors and nurses were stunned and quickly reacted in just a second.

Some hurriedly pushed the hospital bed over, while others hurriedly helped the woman...

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