The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 828 Infatuated first love VS less funny than ghost (42)

To be honest, Leng Su always knew that Cheng Fei was unreliable and naive.

But she really didn't expect that this person could be so unreliable and so naive...

Yes, Leng Su was woken up by a kiss!

I woke up after being kissed alive until my lips were numb, and when I was kissed until it was hard to breathe! ! !

She opened her eyes and looked speechlessly at the fawning and affectionate Cheng Fei in front of her, like a stupid dog begging for attention and praise.

"Little Susu, you finally woke up."

Leng Su: ...If I don’t wake up, I will be suffocated to death by your kiss!

"Little Susu, you've been sleeping all day and all night and haven't eaten for two days. I really couldn't help but worry about you, so I woke you up."

"Scream?" Leng Su stared at someone suspiciously.

After being glared at by Leng Su, Cheng Fei immediately gave in.

He laughed quickly and changed the topic: "Haha, um, little Susu, since you're awake, you should get up and eat quickly."

Leng Su curled her lips and sat up with someone's half support and half hug. A bowl of pork ribs porridge with delicious flavor and color was brought to her.

"I can only wrong you first. You haven't eaten for two days. You can't eat something too greasy when you wake up. It's not good for your stomach." Cheng Fei looked at her apologetically.

Hearing this, Leng Su shook his head: "It's okay."

After saying that, Leng Su reached out to take the bowl of porridge, but someone's hand suddenly dodged. When he met her doubtful gaze, Cheng Fei grinned.

"I'll feed you."

Leng Su:......

"Since Xiao Feizi can't refuse your kindness, I will be disrespectful!" Leng Su said.

Cheng Fei complained: "Little Susu, you have changed..."

Xiao Feifei?

Xiao Feizi?

The difference between this word and the meaning is so different! ! !

One is a term of endearment for men and women, and the other is a term for eunuchs...

"Ah." Leng Su ignored someone's resentful face and opened his mouth to indicate that she was hungry and wanted to eat.

Seeing this, Cheng Fei couldn't care less about resentment, and quickly took a spoonful of porridge, blew it carefully, and then fed it to Leng Su's mouth.

Leng Su opened his mouth to hold it, smashed it a few times, swallowed it, and praised: "Well, not bad, it has both color and flavor, and the temperature is just right. It's not cold and doesn't burn your mouth."

Hearing this, Cheng Fei grinned and said, "As long as little Susu likes it."

Seeing him being so successful, Leng Su was quite satisfied.

Leng Su ate a bowl and a half of the porridge, and Cheng Fei saw that she really couldn't eat the remaining half of the bowl, so he poured it all into his mouth.

"You haven't eaten yet?" Leng Su asked in surprise.

Cheng Fei finished the porridge, threw the bowl on the bedside table, took two paper towels and wiped Leng Su's mouth himself, and then wiped it himself.

After throwing away the tissue, he replied: "I want to share the joys and sorrows with you, little Susu."

"From now on, we will share the blessings, and I will take care of the troubles. You can just take care of the clothes, put out your hands, put out your hands for food, and open your mouth."

Leng Su: ...Not bad, a kid can be taught! ! !

Seeing Leng Su's silence, Cheng Fei hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth to explain: "Su Su, I'm sorry."

"Five years ago, it was my fault, I failed to protect you, and you were wronged.

I know, I'm a jerk for not being there for you when you need me the most.

Susu, now I know I was wrong. I promise that in the future I will work hard to grow up, make myself stronger, and protect you under my wings. "

"Also, that night five years ago, I really didn't mean it. Bai Ya suddenly rushed towards me, and I pushed her away immediately, really!"

"I swear!!!"

PS: Thank you to the two little fairies [Peach Peach Peach Peach Peach Can’t Fall] [Gan Zhi Ru Ye] for their reward support, okay (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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