The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 830 Infatuated first love VS less funny than ghost (44)

In the ward, the two flirted for a while, and the misunderstandings and knots between them were cleared up.

Since Cheng Fei had just woken up and needed to undergo a series of reexaminations, it was already the third day when they were discharged from the hospital and returned home.

Cheng Fei took Leng Su back to Cheng's house without saying a word...

Looking at the empty villa, Leng Su couldn't help but asked doubtfully: "Isn't Auntie at home?"

Hearing this, Cheng Fei remembered what happened to Bai Ya and Cheng Zhou, pulled her to sit down on the sofa, and told her what happened in the past few days.

Cheng Zhou is dead.

Bai Ya was reported and suspected of murder and attempted murder...

Cheng Zhou died in a suite of a five-star hotel. It was said that the death was extremely tragic. Not only was he completely unrecognizable, but all the bones and blood in his body seemed to have been drained. From a distance, he looked like an ancient mummy.

If the hotel hadn't conducted an investigation based on the multiple surveillance cameras in the corridor, elevator, and lobby, they wouldn't even know who the dead person was.

Unfortunately, Bai Ya registered the suite where Cheng Zhou died using her ID card and paid for the room for several days.

Moreover, according to surveillance video, the night before the incident, Bai Ya and Cheng Zhou entered the room one after another.

But the next morning, Bai Ya was the only one who came out of the room, and Cheng Zhou never showed up.

At that time, no one noticed anything was wrong. It was not until the police received a report the next day that they found the hotel and the suite.

When the door opened and they looked at the withered body on the floor next to the bed, even the police officers who came over couldn't help but change their expressions.

According to the surveillance video, the police found Bai Ya and asked her about her relationship with Cheng Zhou and Cheng Zhou's death.

Facing the police's interrogation, Bai Ya's face turned pale and she had no idea what happened.

She admitted that she and Cheng Zhou were boyfriend and girlfriend, and that they went to check out a room together that day. She said she didn’t know what happened after that, and her mind went blank...

Bai Ya said that she found herself back home as soon as she woke up, and she really didn't know anything else.

However, regardless of whether Bai Ya is willing to admit it or not, and whether she knows the specifics or not, she is destined to be under suspicion regarding Cheng Zhou's death.

However, Cheng Zhou's death was extremely bizarre and could not be explained by normal science. In addition, forensic doctors could not find any results after disemboweling him.

In the end, the police were unable to convict Bai Ya due to insufficient evidence.

However, at the height of the storm, the pregnant woman and the old woman who had previously made trouble with Leng Su also came to the police station and complained to Bai Ya.

It was said that Bai Ya asked them to go to a certain ward and find a way to distract the nursing staff in the ward. But they did so, but Bai Ya has not paid them.

After Cheng's mother woke up and learned about the incident, she realized something was wrong and quickly found several private investigators.

Investigate Bai Ya, investigate Cheng Zhou, investigate Cheng Fei's car accident, and Cheng's father...

Faced with the content that the private detective handed over to her, Cheng's mother changed her face. She handed the information to the police without saying a word, and then found a lawyer to sue Bai Ya.

Due to insufficient evidence, Bai Ya escaped Cheng Zhou's death case.

But again, because of sufficient evidence, Bai Ya was confirmed to have hired a murderer!

Cheng Fei's car accident, and the car accident death of the family member of the caregiver who took care of Cheng Fei...

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