The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 841 The Nine-Life Cat Witch VS the Infatuated Prince (9)

Long Qi seemed to understand the disapproval on her face and the rebuttal in her tone, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

"The beauty this week was originally a maid who was responsible for taking care of the emperor in the prince's palace when he was a prince.

Her appearance is not outstanding, but her temperament is gentle and sweet, and she is sensible and caring.

At that time, the emperor was still young, and the two people fell in love with each other after getting along day and night, and secretly slept with Chen Cang. "

Hearing this, Leng Su couldn't help but curl his lips.

She knew that if the emperor was affectionate, how could he leave the prince Long Qi alone in the lotus pond yesterday?

"Later, the late emperor gradually became unwell, and the crown prince's position remained vacant. The battle for the throne became more and more intense and became out of control.

Unconsciously, the princes killed each other, and those princes of the right age were killed and injured.

In the end, only the two young princes who had just grown up were left with the weakest ability, the weakest family background, and the most inconspicuous ones. "

"In order to compete for the throne and survive, the emperor followed the Queen Mother's arrangement and married Duan Yanran, the daughter of the general, who was also the first queen.

With the help of the general, the emperor became the winner of the battle for the throne.

Ten years ago, the general died unexpectedly while going to quell a rebellion somewhere on the border. After hearing this, the first empress was filled with grief and indignation. She accidentally induced fetal distress and gave birth ahead of schedule.

After that, the eldest prince came to the world, and the first queen died of blood collapse. "

When talking about this past event, Long Qi's tone and reaction were very dull.

But Leng Su still heard the shamelessness towards the emperor in his words...

Indeed, this emperor is simply a scumbag! ! !

He married a woman he didn't love for the sake of the throne, and hurt his wife for the woman he loved.

Regardless of whether the emperor was responsible for the death of the general, as long as the emperor was a conscientious man, the queen, who was pregnant at the time, should not know about it.


【Scumbag! 】

Leng Su yelled angrily. After saying that, she suddenly hesitated, scratched Long Qi's hand with her little paws, and wrote the word "two" on his palm.

Long Qi's eyes flashed slightly, he looked at her deeply and asked, "Second Prince?"

"Meow." Leng Su nodded.

Seeing this, Long Qi's lips curled up slightly, he stretched out his hand to gently rub her little head, and continued to explain her confusion: "The second prince is the daughter of the prime minister, and was born to the current imperial concubine."

Leng Su: ...No wonder! ! !

The prime minister must still be alive. Now that the imperial concubine is in power in the palace, no wonder this Zhou beauty is still just a beauty. No wonder the Chuxiu Palace has such a luxurious hot spring pool, but it is so low-key.

It seems that Long Qi is not the only target on the surface, so what about the dragon roar yesterday?

After understanding this, Leng Su couldn't help but wonder again.

She took Long Qi's hand and wrote the words "Zhou" and "Child" on his palm.

Faced with such a human side of her, Long Qi was not in a hurry to answer her questions this time. Instead, he lifted her small body and placed it in front of his eyes, letting her look at him.

"Who are you?" Long Qi asked.

Leng Su blinked a pair of charming and bright blue eyes with an innocent look on his face.


[I don’t understand what you are talking about. 】

Seeing that she was pretending to be stupid, Long Qi was not annoyed. Instead, he chuckled and said, "If you want to know about Meiren Zhou, just use your own affairs in exchange."

After saying that, Long Qi pulled the clean cloth hanging on the screen aside and gently wiped the water droplets on her hair.

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