The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 860 The Nine-Life Cat Witch VS the Infatuated Prince (28)

As soon as Duan Xuan left, Long Qi held Leng Su in front of him.

Their eyes met, and he looked at her deeply, looking at the excitement on her little face that could not be concealed.

Long Qi's eyes dimmed, he stared at her, and asked: "I'm injured to death, are you so happy?"

Leng Su quickly denied it: "How could it be!"

Hearing this, Long Qi sneered: "Then why are you so happy and excited?"

"I didn't." Leng Su retorted.

"..." Long Qi glanced sideways at her and pointed to the mirror on the side, "The mirror is over there. You can see if it's there after you take a look at it."

"..." Leng Su looked frustrated.

"I really didn't, I just wanted to save you." Leng Su had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Saving with your life?" Long Qi asked.

"Yes." Leng Su nodded, "You also know that the Second Prince and his faction regard you as a thorn in their side. Since they have chosen to attack you, the poison must not be simple."

"To put it bluntly, this poison is absolutely indestructible to you humans. But you don't have to worry, I'm a cat demon. I can help you detoxify it easily."

Hearing this, Long Qi's eyes dimmed and he said in a low tone: "Is your life so cheap?"

"Just because you are a nine-lived cat demon and have a few more lives than others, does it become easy for you to save someone with your own life?"

Leng Su: "..."

Looking at Long Qi's calm face, Leng Su's heart suddenly beat violently.

I wonder if it was her imagination, but she always felt that Long Qi was angry? Angry?

Is it because of what she just said?

So, is he feeling sorry for her?

After thinking about it, Leng Su still couldn't hold it back and asked: "Are you feeling sorry for me? Can't bear to leave me?"

As soon as she said these words, the air in the entire dormitory seemed to freeze there...

After a while, just when Leng Su thought Long Qi would ignore the question and not answer, he spoke.

"If you die, who will return Susu to me?"

Leng Su: ...No more love, let’s break off the relationship! ! !

Leng Su bit Long Qi's hand angrily and managed to escape when Long Qi subconsciously let go due to pain.

She jumped and came behind Long Qi, looking up at the wound on his back.

Three inches below Long Qi's right shoulder, a hole was seen continuously sprouting black blood, sliding down his fair and smooth back...

Just as Leng Su was observing Long Qi's wounds, the person in front of him couldn't hold it back and fell on the bed with a "bang".

Leng Su jumped on Long Qi's back and looked at his blackened lips and pale face, and couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

This time, she no longer hesitated and rushed to the wound on Long Qi's back. She lowered her head and held his wound, sucking the poisonous blood for him...

In order to be sure, after sucking the poisonous blood, Leng Su transferred the weak spiritual power in his body to his wound through his lips.

The wound that originally glowed with black energy and seemed lifeless immediately became full of life after being exposed to spiritual power.

I saw that the blood that was constantly overflowing stopped, and the bloody wounds were also recovering bit by bit. In the end, they were completely white and flawless like the skin on other parts of the back.

Seeing this, Leng Su finally breathed a sigh of relief...

At the same time, waves of familiar fatigue and powerlessness also came through her body.

Leng Su knew that she was going to have her hair cut off again. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel excited...


PS: [End of the sixth update, good night]

PS: Thank you [Drowning Kiss] [Mo Qian] [Purple Blue Solitary Spirit] and the three little fairies for your support. I love you so much (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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