The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 862 The Nine-Life Cat Witch VS the Infatuated Prince (30)

Considering that Leng Su had died four times and woke up later and later, Long Qi thought it would take at least half a year or a year for her to wake up this time.

Qiu Lie is around the corner, and he is worried about leaving her alone in this crisis-ridden East Palace...

Therefore, even though he knew that staying with him was far more dangerous than staying in the East Palace, he still chose to keep her with him without hesitation and went to Longhu Mountain to participate in the autumn hunting together.

Faced with Long Qi's move, Leng Su was quite satisfied.

You know, the reason why she slept for three full months before waking up last time was because she had lost three lives and could further evolve and speak human words.

In other words, it would only take three days for her to wake up after her fourth death.

It just so happened that... the day she woke up was when Long Qi was participating in the autumn hunting.

This autumn hunt was just as Long Qi and Duan Xuan expected...

At first, everyone went into Longhu Mountain to hunt in groups, but as they went deeper, they encountered a herd of crazy beasts, and everyone was dispersed.

When Leng Su woke up, Long Qi was fighting dozens of men in black alone with his sword, shooting cold arrows from the dark from time to time.

The little thing in his arms suddenly moved, and Long Qi's heart trembled.

While he fought hard with these men in black, he secretly protected his chest.

"Xiao Bai?" Long Qi said in surprise.

Leng Su got his little head out of Long Qi's arms, looked at the men in black in front of him, and joked: "I am suddenly very happy that I am a nine-life cat demon."

Hearing this, Long Qi had a dark face and said in a low tone: "What? Are you ready to die again?"

Leng Su grinned: "Hey, no, I'm sorry to die."

Long Qi: ...That’s weird! ! !

In view of Leng Su's various life-threatening behaviors before, Long Qi was extra careful to protect her during the next battle, not giving her the slightest chance to die.

Leng Su had a helpless face: ...Oh, it’s as difficult as going to heaven to die these days! ! !

"Zheng Zheng Zheng."

The words exchanged between Leng Su and Long Qi were heard and seen by these men in black, and they all became frightened.

They looked at each other, a chill running down their spines, and a deep sense of uneasiness welling up in their hearts.

Seeing the interaction between these men in black, Leng Su's mouth curled up slightly, and with a movement of his body, he rushed out.

In the corner ahead, a man in black who was just about to return to his life felt a chill on his neck. The next second, darkness hit, and he lay straight on the ground, motionless.

After noticing Leng Su's sudden departure, Long Qi's face stiffened, his eyes dimmed, and the speed of swinging the sword in his hand gradually increased.

"Clang, clank." The sound of sharp swords clashing.

"Puff." The sound of a sharp sword piercing flesh.

"Bang bang bang." The man in black fell to the ground.

For a moment, Long Qi was like a murderous god in this dense forest, with corpses everywhere he passed...

Leng Su had just finished dealing with a man in black who was shooting cold arrows in the dark. Before he could turn back to Long Qi, he felt his neck tighten, his feet were empty, and his whole body was lifted up.

The next second, her eyes met a pair of black eyes filled with cold anger...

Looking at Long Qi's dark expression, Leng Su couldn't help but feel guilty!

"That, that, you are so powerful, you killed all those assassins so quickly, haha, I admire you so much..."

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