The Heroine, She Has a Prosperous Beauty

Chapter 871 The Nine-Life Cat Witch VS the Infatuated Prince (39)

"Grandpa's only request in helping the current Holy Emperor seize the throne was that the child born to the mother's mother would be the eldest and the legitimate son, and become the well-deserved crown prince of the Tianlong Kingdom!"

Having said this, Long Qi stopped talking, but the two people and one cat in the carriage already understood...

Needless to say, everyone knows that the emperor concealed the news that Zhou Mei was pregnant in order to seize the throne, which is why the eldest prince suddenly appeared.

After understanding all the causes and consequences, Duan Xuan's face became extremely ugly...

After a while, after he had sorted out his emotions, he looked at Long Qi and asked, "How did you know what happened back then?"

Long Qi glanced at him lightly, lowered his eyes and closed his mouth without saying a word.

"..." Duan Xuan opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't ask again. He just stared at Long Qi with complicated eyes, filled with guilt and doubt.

For a moment, the entire carriage fell into silence.

After a long time, Duan Xuan felt guilty and said, "I'm sorry for letting you suffer alone in the palace all these years."

Hearing this, Long Qi said lightly: "It's okay."

"Alas." Duan Xuan sighed, "So, the eldest prince who suddenly appeared in the palace is the frail and sick prince of Prince Rong's palace?"

"Yeah." Long Qi nodded.

"All these years, the emperor has been waiting for the Duan and Liu families to kill each other. Waiting for him to gain power and take back the eldest prince, Long Lintian!"

"Long Lintian?" Duan Xuan said with great anger, "Do you rule the world?"

"He's dreaming! My Duan family could help him get this country back then, and now we can make him lose it again!"


"Bang bang bang!"

Just when Duan Xuan was angry, the traveling carriage suddenly stopped, and the sound of countless sharp arrows piercing the air came from outside the carriage.

Long Qi's eyes dimmed, and he immediately hugged Leng Su tightly in his arms, grabbed the sword beside him, and flew out of the carriage.

Outside the carriage, countless rockets were flying towards them...

While Long Qi was waving his sword to fight, he kept slapping Leng Su's butt with a dark face.

"Bah bang bang!"

"Be calm!"

Yes, that’s right, our little cat Lengsu is restless again!

"Uncle, take a detour!" In order to avoid the rain of rockets and fear that Leng Su would go out to die again, Long Qi could only shout to Duan Xuan and choose to take a detour.

"No, there are countless killers lurking in the other paths." Duan Xuan refused.

Yes, in the past three days, although Long Qi has been reported to the outside world as missing, his life and death are unknown.

But neither the emperor nor Prime Minister Liu and others relaxed their guard and vigilance against him.

On the way back to the capital from Longhu Mountain, there were countless assassins and assassins ambush, as well as various traps.

Although the official road they were taking now was heavily ambushed, compared to the other paths, although this official road had the most ambushes, it was definitely the easiest to deal with.

After all, there is only such a big road here, there are not many natural traps, and it is also the easiest place to break through.

After hearing Duan Xuan's rejection, Long Qi's eyes dimmed, and his already ugly and downcast face became even darker.

"Zheng Zheng Zheng."

Helpless, Long Qi had no choice but to fight while gritting his teeth and threatening Leng Su.

"Susu, remember what I said to you in the cave!"

"You live and I live, you die and I die. I will never watch you die in front of me this time!"

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